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a.p.c. question


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hey. i'm trying to decide between a pair of the a.p.c. selvedge jeans and helmut lang bootcuts. never tried the a.p.c.s. how do they fit in comparison to the helmut langs or like a diesel kratt? i'd have to get them on the internet, so what would you recommend in sizing? go with my regular size? or go up a size? thanks for your expertise!

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I have had jeans from both brands, in my experience the apc jeans were baggier than they helmuts, which were very slim. a guy in another thread said that unless you're quite skinny, helmuts just look silly (I agree).

both brands make great-looking jeans though. cant go wrong with either brand unless youre a bit on the chubby side, in which case get the apc jeans.

Edited by sassafras on Jan 27, 2005 at 05:46 AM

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I would actually disagree with poly800rock about ordering a size up in A.P.C. but it may be different for different ranges of sizes. I can comfortably wear a 29 in APC whilst Levis seem a little tight (unless I pull them all the way up to my natural waist). I think your best bet is to order your own size, I have washed my A.P.C.s 5 or 6 times to try and get some dye out, and they are about 30.5" across the waist right now (size 30).

I love Helmut Lang jeans, but I would actually go with APC. The Unisex jeans are a great fit, not tight per se but also not baggy. They look much more casual and relaxed, where as the HL jeans look very fashiony. It's your decision, but that would be my answer towards a recommendation.

The Anglaise cut jeans are a great cut but are pretty baggy. I prefer a slim looking jean and the unisexes are just that. Both cuts come in unwashed denim. I think many members of this board prefer the baggier look, but with the APCs it will still give you a nice straight and balanced sillhouette, even with the full cut. The rise is medium on the unisexes (lower then 501s by a good margin, higher than Diesel Zathan, not sure about Kratt), it's been awhile since I've tried on the Anglaise so I cant really remember that rise.

Hope this helps!

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I am not familiar at all with apc, I have attached a pic below of a pair from there site.

Is the men's English-style jean a loose fitting pair, do they taper? Are they selvage denim it does not say for any of there jeans?


--- Original message by flex1 on Jan 27, 2005 03:41 PM

The 'Anglais' is a boxy-waist, looser fitting style compared to the Unisex style. They don't taper and yes, they are selvage. They are very nice jeans.
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They are sanforized. I am not sure if the women's jeans are selvage but the unisex and men's jeans are. I would assume the women's jeans are too, because they are the same price. And Ringring already touched on this but I'll add that they are VERY plain. It's part of the appeal of APC... it's more minimalist than Helmut Lang, if that's believable.

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yes, I agree. Good indigo and a good cut is all you need. I like the nudie jeans, but the ass embroitery is really ghey. and as for evisu... I tried to strip the paint off mine to no avail, so I repainted them black. Are the A.P.C womans jeans really low or are they mid rise? I might check them out if hey are mid rise (i'm a guy though.)

Live is too short for bad denim!

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Here is my experience with the APC English cut.

In the NY store, they had two washes: (i) Unwashed, as shown on the website and (ii) a very basic distressed wash. The size 31 in the Unwashed fit the same as a 32 in the distressed wash. The jeans are minimalist, but the unwashed indigo is VERY vivid in a good way. As for the fit on the English jean, I would say that they are lower rise straight/loose cut. I would not call them really baggy, but I suppose you could rock them that way if you wanted to. In short, the cut is not so baggy that you look un-put-together but its definitely not tight. You could rock sneakers with them or you could throw on a pair of nicer shoes and still look good.

I purchased the distressed wash and while I'm extremely happy with the jeans, I regret not getting the unwashed pair. They are wearing in well so far so we'll see. For sizing reference, I am a 31 in Edwin and a 31 in dress trousers like theory/vivienne westwood.

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I've tried on the Supreme Selvage jeans and compared to the APC English cut, the Supremes have a higher rise and lower back pockets. Other than that, they fit fairly similarly. I didn't get the Supreme Selvage jeans because the 30 waist was too tight but the 32 was too big.

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APC's fit waaaay better if you get a size too small. I regularly wear a 30, but the Unisex jeans fit nice in a 29. Finest denim trousers i own.

Does anyone have any good ideas on "recipes" for APCs to give them a good finish. I'm thinking 6-9months without washing, then what? I've heard that soaking them for a few minutes in some H2O and Woolite Black makes them turn out nice.

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