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Miscellaneous Musings (Limited Edition)

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China is totally different than anything I've ever encountered

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two CWGs on the bus this morning:

"Is CO2 with a zero or an 'o'?"

"I think it's a zero"

Basic chemistry lulz. I somehow forget that there are many people who are not aware of "elements" either conceptually or practically. And I don't mean in developing nations with high illiteracy rates.

I always laugh when I hear people discussing basic science or geographical/historical facts incorrectly. Lurk more... in a library, you dense fuck. You don't even have to go to a library since they have the internet on computers now.

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those people's vote is as valid as yours

fucked rite

n ya i realize this can be drawn both ways etc but we're talkin the most basic of basic shit

That's my point, I'm not hating on people who don't understand imaginary numbers, hyperspace, or other abstract concepts. I'm talking about alleged adults that have never even asked a basic question about their world like: "what is air made of?"

A hallmark of the terminally unimaginative is a lack of curiosity, which manifests as a lack of knowledge (about anything). This is why humanity will never colonize space, too much evolutionary dead weight now that your right to breed is determined by your financial status.

Alright, I think I'm done.

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went on a 100 mile bike ride saturday, first century for me. Felt good man.

then watched bike races all afternoon sunday. got me so pumped i cannot believe

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the norwegian wood movie sucked so hard wtf. that book was so cinematic how do you fuck it up so bad

haaaa, just watched this earlier today.

sup with the editing? so awful. acting was pretty bad too. toru crying towards the end was hilarious.

scenery was mad pretty tho. ~them trees~ ◕ ◡ ◕

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yooo theres this other company on the same floor as us, with this flirty 30-ish woman who looks like the spitting image of jessica jaymes, huge breasts and everything

today was a really slow day i guess and their office area was kinda empty and i can see from my desk her walking into this 50+ year old guy's office and then seeing the dude actually close the blinds and hearin them giggle and then i see the guy close the door shut. keep in mind this is the side of the office that doesn't get sunlight too

normally you can hear chatter even when the door is closed, but the door stayed shut and relatively quiet for like an hour.

then all of a sudden the door opens again and they giggle and chatter about "hey thanks for the help" and then the girl leaves his office, and the dude opens the blinds again

my imagination was going wild for that hour... fuck

can i safely assume some some wild office sex just happened like 10 feet away from me behind closed doors??

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