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One very well used pair of P9-S



nice @ greencarman


looking to buy a pair of these ( green version, not black ) in size L if anyone is selling, please message   :ph34r:

also v interested in P9-E ( green ) size L

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Are you living in London @ Remarkablearmor ? should grab a beer sometime with me and Dolphinski ! 


Anyone got a photo of the worn out black Stotz for comparison? I'm liking the battleworn look a lot more these days rather than sleek and immaculate tech.

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was it already discussed where to find decent replacements for the pull tabs?





I wrote an email to the shop at acrnm address and they sent me a pull tab and a couple of other bits, it did take quite a while though, and email response was slow, as in a month between mails, but really nice of them to do it ( for free ) and lets face it they have more important stuff to do i'm sure 

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was it already discussed where to find decent replacements for the pull tabs?


In addition if you're looking to just make your own custom webbing pulls, you could look at the first page of the CHIBA D.I.Y Sprawl and look into some of the webbing stockists there.

I've certainly considered it myself.

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I've seen some comments on this previously, but it still isn't clear to me how and when to use the s-16 WS. It looks really bad ass, but I can't justify buying it when I don't know when to use it. Is it to warm to wear in hot weather? How does it handle sweat? With or whithout a t-shirt under? Could it work as a layering piece under a jacket when it gets a little chillier? Any user experience would be much appreciated! Thanks✌ï¸

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I'm considering getting it still and was hoping it would work in a situation where you just wanted to take the wind off you a bit but not wear a jacket...i'd imagine with an undershirt it would be nicer although supposedly it doesn't clam-up. It would presumably need more washing when direct on skin though and I'm not sure how well that would fare.

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s16ws: It's a cool idea, and I love it, but it's only useful in specific situations. Super light and noisy. Feels like you're wearing nothing without an under shirt, but I like much better with one on. I've found I like wearing it on a days that are slightly chilly and a bit damp with a light jacket over it, especially because I can keep the jacket open if it's rainy. On it's own, it being windproof is kind of moot because If it's super windy the wind will get though the arms and collar. If it's hot out you'll get sweaty but because of the arm and collar ventilation it'll dissipate quickly, unless it's super hot and or humid.  Something like the j21 makes a bit more sense because if it's windy or rainy you can put you hood up and cinch the arms protecting you from the elements. But the j21 is a bulkier option and the s16ws weighs nothing.

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Any tips on using SpeedLock? Pulling the black tab to tighten the hem is intuitive enough, but I can't seem to figure out how pulling the green webbing pulltab is supposed to release the drawcord.


iirc you have to press the release button on the clasp and, while still holding that down, pull the green tab/webbing to reset the cord. 

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Ahh so there's no one-handed way to operate it? I guess I misunderstood the system. Thanks a lot!



You can use it one-handed in the way insomnia outlined.  In the same way you tighten with the black tab one-handed, you can do the same with the green webbing to loosen.  The lengths are varied so you can differentiate by touch alone.

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Got a sale purchase J28-K through earlier in the week. Really pleased with it - the colours really aren't done justice by any photos I've seen. Came without bag/spec sheet but I'm guessing we've established this is what happens when you buy from a Nemen retailer vs an Acronym one. The material is lovely and light. I haven't tested the breathability or water repellency yet but it does feel quite fragile. Will be interesting to see how well it holds up to wear and tear. I'm inclined not to crack on and sling my 3A-1 across it for that reason.

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Got a sale purchase J28-K through earlier in the week. Really pleased with it - the colours really aren't done justice by any photos I've seen. Came without bag/spec sheet but I'm guessing we've established this is what happens when you buy from a Nemen retailer vs an Acronym one. The material is lovely and light. I haven't tested the breathability or water repellency yet but it does feel quite fragile. Will be interesting to see how well it holds up to wear and tear. I'm inclined not to crack on and sling my 3A-1 across it for that reason.

i really like my j28k as well. really happy with that purchase.

on that note it's sale season on a few sites..

By the way. Does anyone have the j25ws and can comment on how it is?

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I love my J25-WS! I just unpacked it from its packed state and the creases went super quick. Super lightweight, feels fine on the skin. Can sustain light rain just fine. I noticed a few pin sized holes on the stitching in the hood, but other than its totally fine! Great for stopping wind. Slings nicely as well!

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I love my j25-ws... really nice for warmer days and especially for traveling ... days out when you might want the extra layer at some point, but don't want to carry a whole jacket.


Plus it looks cool and has thumb holes.

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