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Denim spots in Tokyo or Kyoto.


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Wassup guys. Over here in Tokyo and, after doing all the sightseeing I can take, it's time to shop. Specifically for denim. I intend on going to the Evisu store in Ebisu but I really don't know if that's the best Evisu shop to go to and if there are any other brands I can check out.

Honestly, I fell of the denim wagon for a bit, so, I'm not aware of what's good right now. I remember being very fond of Sugarcane's stuff and there was either a brand or line of jeans called Samurai that I wanted to check out.

Any suggestions at all would be appreciated. Also, suggestions dont specifically have to be brand stores. Any nice denim shops would be great.

Finally, I'm mainly looking for raw, selvage denim. Nothing all fancy and stuff.

Thanks again.

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