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ROY X CONE contest, 1.1.11 - 2.1.12

Paul T

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It's actually quite evident why these jeans are so awesome in every way. It actually has nothing at all to do with rare and exotic denim, classic engineered fits, or even super sewing machines. It is because ROY empties an ENTIRE bottle of this very rare and powerful substance stolen from the very Olympians and titans both...


It helps that mine also now have suspendy buttons...

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why don't you post the real pic markus and what actually went down?


... ;)

the real pic(the truth) is in fact so bad,its unpostable.

all i am able to share is this:


man on the far right was so deeply shocked,he called the police immediately.


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nice posts Joseph. I like the buttons.

Almostnice. Decent fit. I wonder if you make Lando's "Yay" or "Nay" list. I was crossing my fingers for the "yay" list and I got it. Actually, I just had to blow him.

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nice posts Joseph. I like the buttons.

Almostnice. Decent fit. I wonder if you make Lando's "Yay" or "Nay" list. I was crossing my fingers for the "yay" list and I got it. Actually, I just had to blow him.

i am pretty sure i will get a woohay.

^anyways your fit is spot-on...and a great meet-up you guys did today!

someday we'll go for a german-meet-up i'd say ;)...

whenever you want,as long as i am able to catch you in an embarrassing moment.

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A wash really brings out the blue tones!

This is really interesting. Mind if I ask why you guys throw them in the washer?

I don't think I lost my greycast at all, maybe because I just did a quick, quiet soak? I don't have a scrap since I went with the max inseam.

BUT, I did notice the blues peeking through the greycast today, after just 5 days of wear. I think it's because I've been wearing my MFSC pea coat, which rubs against my jeans when I walk? Most of my lap creases look like this:


So, it looks like a soak with agitation (machine wash) drops the greycast and heads straight to blue? I also just noticed how much more full the warp yarns are on riff's washed denim. Mine still looks very much like the raw scrap...

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not sure we need Underwear being worn pics....


I think he was being pretty generous, or there is a less visible 3 before the '4th' .


These pants are very bad though. I can't walk by anything reflective without striking a coy pose and admiring some varied angle!

Photo essay?

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zissou, that's the exact blue I was referring to! Although yours will be more epic given the hige you have developing...As far as the multiple soaks, after my second soak the indigo really has spread making the jeans a tad darker/bluer than the first soak IIRC, which was closer to raw as you have noted.

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Today's RoyxCone episode comes from the Great Outdoors...

I'm leading a family snowshoe trip in a couple weeks and wanted to scout out a few locations. The theme of the trip is 'wildlife in winter', so I wanted to see what I could find for tracks.

There were mule deer prints and scat everywhere.


Rose hips are a pretty important browse in winter. Ever had rose hip fruit leather?


Kangaroo rat tracks along an old fence line.


Mouse tracks never cease to bring a smile to my face.


Oh, hai!


Found your hangout.


Moose! I'm glad I didn't actually run into it. (that's a quarter for scale)


I lol'ed when I saw this.


Ice crystals on the river


Until next time!


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Thanks, guys. It was a fun afternoon. I left out the best part, though! I saw an ermine (short tailed weasel), but it was too quick for me to get a photo (so I stole these off the internet). They turn all white in winter, except for the black tip of their tail.


Cute but fierce! They can take down prey 10x their size.


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alright, heres a little update, Paul has been getting a little pushy; stalking me in the LVC thread and all...

I dont have a decent fit pic yet cause I've been too busy to snap off a good one. I may have a top secret one from a corporate photo shoot though, can't show it til after February. I hope I wont get dished out a landolambasting though. I think the fit is ok, but I've got a little wedgie action going on...hopefully that'll stretch out.

some pics from the first night


drinks before new years




yes yes? half fit maybe?


a gift from my girl. a pez dispenser with a casting of my print making professor's head. made by a fellow art alumni from my school.

sorry for the poor photo quality. they're all from my friend's iphone, and I had to steal all these from facebook

and yes. this is my house. you're jealous.(10)

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well okay if you must, but when you're showing underwear being worn, do not talk about how much shrinkage you had....

I'm in the Australia Summer, what shrinkage? :P


Cute but fierce! They can take down prey 10x their size.


Epic pics Zissou, keep them coming :)

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But can an ermine take on THISSsss?

hahahaha! Well, it would give it a run for its money, for sure.

^ Should have new thread: Zissou's Lifestyle Channel

Oh, the pressure. I'm afraid most weekday episodes would be boring office work sitting on my ass. I'll do my best!

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Wonderful, ZIssou. Made my morning in rainy London town.

And erk, great to see you having fun in them. I think that everyone who received a pair has posted. Now it's just us in the countries with antiquated postal systems.

Nice belt, of course, mike. Must make you fitter, carrying that huge weight of leather around??

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