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Freewheelers, Bootleggers Reunion, Bubo, etc.


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1 hour ago, Duke Mantee said:

Brakeman overalls in 13oz indigo linen denim wot I was wearing in WAYWT ...



sorry about the shitty lighting, it was more just an iPad effort to show some details rather be fancy colour accurate 

Apologies for my ignorance here Duke, but do FW faithfully repro vintage items or add their own spin? I ask as I’d love to see what these are based on. They are great. 

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3 hours ago, Broark said:

Can't say I have, Edinburgh has been on the list though...but now I'm a little scared. :D

Ha ha...

Just for the record, I've had a few trips to Scotland and all have been great. Up Duke Mantee's east coast line is lovely, full of interesting nooks and crannies and great bays one after the other. Edinburgh is definitely worth a tourist trip. I have been to Glasgow but years ago in the rock n roll years so no idea what it's like ;). The west coast around Oban and the boat across to Isle of Mull were all memorable. 

Definitely worth a touring trip when we get through this tunnel

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Mogwai is one of my favorite bands (seen them 4 times, once in Singapore which was incredible), and Train Spotting is a favorite film of mine so I’ve always had some strange affinity for Scotland without ever having been there. One day!

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10 hours ago, JDelage said:

Those are very cool. What happened above the left pocket?

They also were made in stripes IIRC. Very cool pattern.

That model was issued in a random stripe and a wabash stripe but the linen wasn’t used again. Too difficult to deal with.

Left pocket? I dunno, it might be residue from my belt you see, if that’s what you’re referring to?

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Wearing this type 2 every day, and loving it more and more. It takes a long time to get memory into the denim, but looks great once it sets in. 

I wish FW made a type 3. In fact, I've always wondered why they didn't offer one. I suppose it's somewhat outside of their aesthetic? Would look tops I'm sure!

Cheers everyone. 


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1 hour ago, JMS said:

Wearing this type 2 every day, and loving it more and more. It takes a long time to get memory into the denim, but looks great once it sets in. 

I wish FW made a type 3. In fact, I've always wondered why they didn't offer one. I suppose it's somewhat outside of their aesthetic? Would look tops I'm sure!

Cheers everyone. 

They made a Type III - just not denim. 

The 60s are very much part of their aesthetic, it was probably the founding era for Bootleggers designs and since then they’ve released many many designs from around that era.

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28 minutes ago, JMS said:

@Duke Mantee Pardon me, I meant specifically within their denim aesthetic. Meaning the type of fabric and so on. It would be killer to see their interpretation of a type 3 in a new denim.

I am familiar with Hipsters Reunion and so on. 

There’s no pardon needed, I might have misunderstood you and sorry for that. But even so 60s and 70s denim is a fair chunk of their repertoire - probably one of the only significant items not produced in denim is that Type III you mentioned.

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Since we're talking FW wishes, I'd like some 2-color sweatshirts without stencil / inscription. A "neat" version of 1934002 / 2034001, 1934001, etc, would be great. They've done it in the past, and they still do it with the hoodies....

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@unders still can’t find that pic of the original ‘brakeman’ - I don’t know what I’ve done with it, as they’re usually in the same folder as the FW collection of the time. I’ve asked if the source can re-issue to me.

@Double 0 Soul sneakers may be something that could show up. Apparently Sushi likes sneakers but he has a mental block on producing that has to be made is so many different sizes for the one product. It’s definitely something that’s been discussed previously and you never know ... especially since they know you will buy at least one pair no matter how hideous or expensive they are ...

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Cheers Duke, much appreciated. Please don’t burn too much time just to satiate my curiosity, although there’s a super-lightning rep thingy coming your way if you do.

And don’t pretend the thought of that doesn’t turn that famous jailhouse cold-blooded stare into a little smile :)

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1 hour ago, unders said:

Cheers Duke, much appreciated. Please don’t burn too much time just to satiate my curiosity, although there’s a super-lightning rep thingy coming your way if you do.

And don’t pretend the thought of that doesn’t turn that famous jailhouse cold-blooded stare into a little smile :)

I’m smirking away big style but you’ll never see it ... 

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Broke down and ordered the indigo chambray CPO #2033004... The fabric looks awesome.

Hoosier was out unfortunately so I ordered from Mirror Ball, which ships UPS, FYI.

I've been getting *amazing* service from Hoosier and he's definitely going to be my first stop for anything I might want at FW. In fact I placed an order with him that I was on the fence for simply for the pleasure of giving him my business...

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9 minutes ago, unders said:

Thank you sir! Lovely bit of olde world denim. 

In fairness, I’m pretty sure Warehouse have made a similar and more accurate (in detail at least) pair. I think it’s good too see waist overalls that aren’t Levi’s waist overalls. There’s a lot of ye olde world stuff that just never gained any traction. A lot of FW overalls are based on, or are copies of, Boss of the Road designs, and as I said Warehouse often come up with gems from yesteryear ... after that you’re left arguing the toss over who makes the best 47s

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41 minutes ago, JDelage said:

I've been getting *amazing* service from Hoosier and he's definitely going to be my first stop for anything I might want at FW. In fact I placed an order with him that I was on the fence for simply for the pleasure of giving him my business...

A lot of Japanese stores provide us with better service than we’re normally used to - that’s a sad indictment on some of the garbage that’s been offered up from some of the western counterparts (albeit there’s a few now who are top class). The upside is that it’s had a positive effect generally.

That said, I think Seiichiro goes above and beyond, so I’m delighted you recognise him for it. It’s hard graft and long hours running the shop on his own and dealing with global opening times but he won’t let you down in any respect.

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