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KIXSLF CLOSET SALE - Engineered Garments, Flathead Houndstooth


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For Sale: PM or email me if you're interested [email protected]

I'll be updating this thread with more clothing so check back frequently.

Prices shipped are for N. America only. Europe / Asia, please inquire for an estimated shipping cost to your area.

Flathead Mustard Houndstooth

Size 44 (XL)

$100 Shipped [ sold[

This shirt is in excellent condition and was purchased from Self Edge SF a few years ago. Sadly. I never wear it anymore. My loss is your gain.

Engineered Garments Chambray Jacket

Size XL

$75 shipped


Another gem I've barely worn. This is a perfect light weight jacket with just the right amount of detail and finish. This piece is pretty hard to come by these days.

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Pendleton X Opening Ceremony Pencil Jacket

Size L (runs pretty slim, fits great. I'd say TTS. length is pretty short. It hits just above my waist. )

Jacket is in excellent condition. Willing to let it g for $100 shipped



Uniqlo Vintage Chinos (The original run from a few years ago.. not the shitty new ones. )

Size 34

I could let these go for $40 bucks shipped if you are interested.



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