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You guys here seem to have quite a thing for dry denim, and I'm having a little problem, and I need your help!

I got a pair of AW's, and I love them, but I have clothing ADD, I like to change 3-4 times a day, and hate wearing the same thing all the time.

What is your motivation to wear the same pair of jeans every day? Maybe you can give me some inspiration.

Don't you hate in when you're in a line and there's that guy like right behind you and you can feel him almost touching you, hovering near you, in your personal space and all you want to do is turn around and scream, "move three feet back before I beat you," but you don't? They'd put you in a strait jacket if you did, and it is soooo hard to find a pair of shoes that match those.

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i can't wear the same pair each and every day either.

i rotate through about 4 or 5 pairs, wearing each for a week or so at a time. (this means they'll all get their first wash sometime between 2008 and 2010... bwah!)

wearing them every day just means they break in faster, not better; take your time and don't fuck with your personal style just to be able to post photos of your jeans here...

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mentioning postin photos here, how do i do it with imageshack, I posted a thread about this earlier, but I got no replies *pouts*.

I would be happy to post my ass all over this place, but alas, I cannot figure it out.

Don't you hate in when you're in a line and there's that guy like right behind you and you can feel him almost touching you, hovering near you, in your personal space and all you want to do is turn around and scream, "move three feet back before I beat you," but you don't? They'd put you in a strait jacket if you did, and it is soooo hard to find a pair of shoes that match those.

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as far as wearing my dry denim everyday, i love the fit and feel of my apcs. i even sleep in them a lot of the time. before i got them i wore a lot of different jeans, but there was always something i didn't like about them. i mostly wore bootcuts, but now i realize that i don't like them all that much. it was raining today, so i threw on my paper gto's to check the mail and i really didn't like how they fit. i felt at home when i put my apcs back on.

for imageshack, just click the 'host it' button after you've selected to file to upload from your computer. it will upload it and give you, i think, nine links for the picture. you'll want to copy and paste the last one into the text box here. if you want us to see your pictures without clicking on anything make your message look like this <u>without the periods in the brackets</u> [.img]http://www.imageshack.us/blahblahblah[./img]

we can't wait to see your denim!

Edited by batorizer on Apr 28, 2006 at 11:02 PM

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I remember in high school i thought it would be a big deal if I wore the same jeans two days in a row. But really no one knows or cares. I say do what feels good. The added bonus of wearing jeans everyday is that they break in faster but if it does not feel good rotate them. I think the key is trying not to wash them but that too can be a personal preference thing.

japanese denim has become a simulacra of americana. Initially being a faithful reporduction but becoming something else, independant from the original, a true reflection of postmodernity.

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I remember in high school i thought it would be a big deal if I wore the same jeans two days in a row. But really no one knows or cares. I say do what feels good. The added bonus of wearing jeans everyday is that they break in faster but if it does not feel good rotate them. I think the key is trying not to wash them but that too can be a personal preference thing.

--- Original message by Dogfarm on Apr 28, 2006 11:54 PM

yup, plus being a very lazy person, wearing the same jeans every day is great. plus now i can try to justify it if someone questions me about why im in the same jeans every day; the dry denim route sounds way better than because im a bum

this is my signature

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I remember in high school i thought it would be a big deal if I wore the same jeans two days in a row. But really no one knows or cares. I say do what feels good. The added bonus of wearing jeans everyday is that they break in faster but if it does not feel good rotate them. I think the key is trying not to wash them but that too can be a personal preference thing.

--- Original message by Dogfarm on Apr 28, 2006 11:54 PM

Yeah, that's what I used to think. I was like Jeez, can't wear the same jeans to days in a row, and now I don't give a rats ass.

Quite a few of my old Jeans were bootcut as well, and I really don't like that fit anymore.

Edited by Tabris on Apr 29, 2006 at 04:20 AM

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Guest jeffvyain

i just told everyone why i wear the same jeans every day, and pretty much everyone that i've told thinks it's stupid, but in 6 months or however long, it might become clear...or it might not, and either way, it doesn't matter much. My justification for dry denim relies mostly on fit. I spent a lot more money on (sometimes) cheaper jeans trying to find a fit that I really liked consistantly and it wasn't until I got in my APCs that I found it. I bought 6 or 7 pairs of jeans, whereas now I'm just stuck with one, and all those others are probably headed toward ebay.

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