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I emailed him at info@ early last week, maybe week before, and still nothing. Sent him an email on the other email I posted a few minutes ago, will post up when he responds.


Since I didn't post them here, here is an update on my d1672. Really not sure the time line, but only get a chance to wear them after work/weekends, so will take a while.





SDA x Samurai collab (unofficial)



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Yuchi is legit, people have been saying he's taking quite awhile to respond to emails lately though I think.

Never had any problems with Yuichi, always responds and ships promptly. I know he doesn't work Wednesdays sometimes which with time zone differences can cause a couple days of delay. If there's no response at the moment he may be on holiday as it's unlike him not to reply promptly.

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Regarding D1677 - I would also check the measurements given on Rakuten - they differ considerably. Since it is a special denim at a moderate weight and probably a more elastic thread/weave I would think anything is possible...

BTW: there will be a new Champloo version coming - OKI-815


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Not per se - but they mentioned in the text that the threads used are thicker than for machine dying and they are certainly more uneven (slub-y). I would also assume that they are not twisted as hard as regular threads.

I guess we'll know for sure soon once they get shipped...

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damn, now i want that D1677 pair against all my better judgements. suddenly jumped up to the top of my want list.  


So basically if i were to get this, i'd have to pre-order by proxy, emailing the guy called Yuichi at [email protected] right?


Does anyone know if this denim is sanforized or unsanforized? 

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my size 33 champloo (103 cut) was advertised in the sda site as having a waist measurement of 87.5 cm (same as the d1677). when it came the waist was more like 82.5. so beware going tts or god forbid sizing down. i've tried on the normal 103 in the same size and the waist was about the same. 

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My d1672 are sitting at 84cm right now. I also went back to check what Yuchi said they were, and he has them listed at 86, so not sure what happened there. But the 33s on dartisan are listed as 84

Dhadha unsanforized. It would be such a shame to have a fabric like that and then sanfroize it..

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D1677 are instantly tempting - only cons are price and sizing.

OKI-815 is equally tempting, but I'm not sure about the cut.

The second half of 2015 seems to turn out to be expensive...

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put in words with PSA. he said they'll have these soon. let's see.

one of those days when you stumbled upon a pair of jeans on your Facebook feed and one thing led to another.... 


so this is a 103 cut right guys? i don't know anything about Studio D'Artisan yet. most jeans i'll be fine in 31, reckon i could go tts and get a pair of 31?

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D1677 should be straight (101), not tight straight (103).

OKI-815 is another DoubleVolante collaboration, using a wide, straight Lee fit - alltogether, it looks like different cut...

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Anyone know how SDA and Double Volante teamed up? Man, the 815's would probably fit perfectly for me, but I'm still on the 1677 kick. Really excited for the jeans.


i always think it's funny how bad most pictures are of such expensive products, i could do a better job with my iPhone!

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