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Posts posted by Pedro

  1. 3 hours ago, mlwdp said:

    Cameras could be a good investment.  You could get some cheap ones or expensive versions and see the image on your phone when you're away.


    This can be beneficial for inestigators and to secure prosecutions; however, the stolen items are typically fenced quickly and not recovered.

    I am very sorry for your experience.

  2. I think it is a translation error. Using bagasse fibers in fabric is nothing new. There would be zero benefit to spraying a sugar starch onto cotton denim. Also, the 50/50 denim does not shrink as much as 100% cotton denim.

    The bagasse would not be purchased raw as harvested cane. That raw cane would first be processed to extract the sugar. The remaining “pulp” would then be further processed to isolate the cellulose absent any impurities (lignin removal and bleaching). Cane cellulose (agro-industrial waste) has multiple uses. At this stage, the fibers would be ready for manufacturing into fabric. I am just hazarding a guess but it was likely at this stage that SC would purchase it. 

    This procsss would only be cost-effective on a large scale and not likely continued at a small-scale as HI would have remaining.

    Additional insight appreciated. Great original question!

  3. @SuperJackle

    Its a good question since the last commercial harvest of sugarcane in HI was the 2016 crop. I think it was on Maui.

    My “guess” is the current Hawaii denim could still have its origin in the Land of Aloha...but that is pure speculation. Hopefully someone well informed will respond.

    I love the bagasse/cotton fabric of my Okinawa. They stiffen up every time they get wet in the rain and they don’t carry a body odor from extended wear between washings.


  4. 4 hours ago, Spiraltoy said:

    I still see a lot of posts like: I don’t don’t know what it says, I don’t read Japanese. For all of you I have a handy tip.

    Download the google translate so to your phone. It’ll use the camera and translate what ever is in frame in real-time. Super handy “because I don’t read Japanese”.

    Much cheaper alternative than going to my local sushi restaurant every time I need a website translated.


  5. I am still on the search for the gree/red/brown pocket tab CANE.

    What is the timeline of the broken arcuate and pocket tab demise? I had assumed they occured at the same time following the lawsuit but I am finding SC with broken arcuate but no pocket tab and no evidence it was cut off.

    Thanks for insight.

  6. And here is a pair of unknown SC currently on Ebay. (One of two almost identical pair). This fade is not only unimaginative...its actually hideous. 

    What wash habits destroy the very soul of a pair of denim like this? 


  7. Well its decided.

    I have too many pairs of denim to wear out in one lifetime (or even to reach the proper fades) by sitting at a desk so I am quitting the office and becoming a full-time arborist...Lol

  8. 2 hours ago, Maynard Friedman said:

    unworn M41001 in size 34 for sale on Grailed.


    I wish these were from the earlier “early” days when they had the actual patch instead of just the stitched outline.

    Are these early vintage sized a little small for their tag size compared to, say, a modern SC41947 ?


  9. @julian-wolf

    Thank you for this info. Yes I am guilty of just looking at photos. ;-)

    Some of the recent photos looked like they had been in a dryer at some point. For example, I seem to get better roping from the dryer.

    The TCB20 pants are so incredible. I wish I had known of them when there was inventory still around.


  10. 9 hours ago, volvo240thebest said:

    Some of these Chinese brands are very small operations, I think they're just as much ethically managed as their Japanese counterparts.

    Having worked in both cultures, I would say they hold very different paradigms on business ethics; however, I would rather hear more details about these heavyweight tees?

    Any links?

    BTW, Is Bob Dong an actual person or a marketing concept? Same question for Buzz Rickson.

  11. The “artisan” and “bespoke” culture are not so much a part of the business mindset from what I have seen in China. Its fascinating how different the various Asia & SE Asian cultures are unique from each other. 

    I would be curious to know the history of Bob Dong denim and if it’s origin was organic (a western influenced military/denim head) or the result of a “shrewd Chinese businessman” (which is redundant...Lol) who saw an opportunity.

    Since one of our forum members has found celebrity status in China, maybe @volvo240thebest could go there to delve into how much the Japanese-Western denim mindset influences exist?


  12. 4 hours ago, Geeman said:

    As we are seeing mote of it appearing in the threads, I have to ask.

    Clothing from sites like Taobao  and brands like Bob Dong, look great but what's the quality like and are they ethically made?

    Chinese manufacturing = Ethics?

    Interesting question.

    My guess is they are as ethically made as early Levi’s in the  late 1800’s US garment industry (meaning not much) so the Chinese products are true “repros” in that sense...Lol

    There is a bit of exploitation sewn into every pair. 


  13. @volvo240thebest

    There is opportunity in your China Stardom.

    If you joined, you would have about a bajillion followers/friends in the first week. Thats money.

    Your life could be spent traveling to search out the perfect photoshoots for your denim collection. 

    Soon your unique signature sewing repairs will be mass produced in Chinese factories.

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