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Everything posted by brainerd666

  1. Need to post prices broh, forum rules
  2. Which is essentially useless
  3. These retail(ed) for under $700ish with shipping. This isn’t grailed lol
  4. Think the consensus is that this person was an industry plant and/or startup, mining this site for free info/exposure
  5. The tumble drying warning is there to keep dummies who excessively wash their stuff from mindlessly drying their clothes on high and causing pillling/warping lol I’ve dried all my DS on low for years now with zero ill effects. But I also don’t wash it after every wear. Unless you’re playing rugby in it or crawling around under cars or something every time you wear it there’s really no need.
  6. The 3a-5ts is another option. No front pockets which slim it down a bit. Not that either of them are very ‘large and cumbersome’ imo. I have the 5ts and it’s a great daily bag, also suitable for a weekend trip.
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