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frasier oiseau

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Posts posted by frasier oiseau

  1. This fight is really lame, please stop.


    Also wtf is "social justice"? I've only seen the term used by retarded internet people and it seems to be a way to rebel against their liberal boomer parents by acting hipster-fascistic with no credibility whatsoever. I know actual euro extreme-right people -think weirdoes going to fight on the Russian side in Ukraine- and they despise uneducated e-hipster shitheads like you and would kick your puny asses with relish. Go read some Evola or something.


    Only a frenchman would say that, what with your decadent lifestyles, Jewish tendencies and obsession with flaky pastries


    e:maybe cause it's on flickr, does this imgur link work?



  2. nothing borderline about it, deux stick to shitty obscure jazz musicians and shilling jjve, sick internet burns are clearly not ur forte. tbh id rather be prostituting myself in berghain than spend day after day crusading for social justice on the internet in some aids infested malaysian jungle. i dont mind having small dicked pinoys feel a lil better about themselves by engaging in some banter, but having u even try to talk to me just makes me feel dirty, you are autistic, ugly, stupid, and no one likes you on any internet forum you post on, which is basically your entire life. fuck off.


    where do you find the time between browsing rakuten, playing mtg and offering wristies to write inspired thinkpieces like this?

  3. Yeah, it seems like burgers and americana is bigger than ever, i'm actually kind of glad there are a glut of american-style barbecue places are popping up - vic's meat market in the sydney fish market is the only one i've been too so far but it was pretty great

  4. he's probably rolling in his grave because not only is someone making free jazz jokes (eugh) but they manifest like this to boot


    he's probably not rolling in his grave because he's alive

  5. bro remember that show seinfeld? that shit was good imo


    The fact that so many books still name Seinfeld as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" sitcom ever only tells you how television still is from becoming a serious art. Film critics have long recognized that the greatest directors of all times are Stanley Kubrick and James Cameron, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Literary critics rank the highly controversial Joyce over his contemporaries who were highly popular in circles around Europe. Television critics are still blinded by commercial success. Seinfeld was watched more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest

  6. Miyagawa ChÅshun's "Dancer and Musicians"

    P much any original Hokusai print, I own a p nice edition of Hokusai Manga

    Utagawa Kunisada's "Dawn at Futamigaura"

    Utagawa Hiroshige's "Kanbara" or "Rain Shower at ShÅno"

    And for a boring final choice, p. much any Monet pieces from the last decade of the 19th century onwards, esp. water lily pieces


    Fuck Banksy

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