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kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

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Status Updates posted by kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

  1. weird sneakers thread the only place where kuya gets +rep

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ordo


      close enough

    3. wahwho11


      you're not even on the top 10 posters of sufu list.

    4. kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      ++condemned to footwurr

  2. databending/glitch art kinda fun

  3. mister barrington one of best bands i've found all year http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=c73qNJ1bwXA&fmt=18

  4. thundercat's new album has track called evangelion and it sounds gooooood

  5. why is it that i can only get blood noodle soup in thailand

    1. ordo


      why can't i get balut at McDonalds?

    2. kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      kH0yA Sw@Gp0o


      seriously speaking tho, ordo

      you like balut? haha

  6. goddamnit pump furys

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      ^wahwho i agree with you. do we make dedicated thread to showcase designs we come up with or do we just post in my weird sneaker thread? lol

      here's list of eva units: http://evangelion.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Evangelions

      think i call dibs on unit 03 as colors are very subdued. 06 would be trippy to see, too. lol

    3. wahwho11


      eva mark 06 is for the New York Knicks peeps.

    4. kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      good point; didn't occur to me lol. also on the topic of reeboks i am contemplating kamikaze ii. cheaper than pump furys and the black/white v appealing

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