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kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

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Status Replies posted by kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

  1. Supersellers, is it worth it?

  2. king of pain

    1. kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      world turning circles running round my brain

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. thinking of copping some white mountaineering how is build/feel on their apparel

  4. thinking of copping some white mountaineering how is build/feel on their apparel

    1. kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      @deux exactly what i was looking at lol

      @halo just a pair of trousers probably

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. left sufu for maybe a year and this SSchadenfreude is supposed to be the best shit talker now? really disappointed...

    1. kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      not satisfying that craving? how hard do you need to be shat on to be happy? x_x

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  6. left sufu for maybe a year and this SSchadenfreude is supposed to be the best shit talker now? really disappointed...

    1. kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      moral of the story: be careful who you neg; dey might take it too hard

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  7. people on this site hilariously petty eg. sschadenfreude your shoes suck ahahaha

  8. When you fight yourself, you always win.

  9. turn-a turn......turn-a turn.....................................

    1. kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      i liek the turn a gundam too

  10. hello? is anyone else out there?

  11. realizing you're past the 2000 post threshold and asking yourself "wtf"

  12. meet me @ the diner @ 6 o clock on every wednesday night

  13. can i log in and not have to come across "Care-Tags" for once

    1. kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      kH0yA Sw@Gp0o

      gdi deux -_- is it really that terrible there? never seen for myself

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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