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Posts posted by rebelrebelrebel

  1. someone tell me somewhere good to stay in melbourne for a few nights. i'm borderline poor so keep that in mind. if it could be near the corner hotel that'd be nice. going down to see boris in a few weeks.

    fenrost: yeah, man, that's me.

    thought they'd love this shit. i can never tell how things will be taken over there. unless it's ccp and harnden. gold everytime; discounting the price arguments against carol.

  2. zekka do and for tomorrow are getting them in as of this current s/s season. other than that el zilcho as far as i know.

    best comparison i can draw for it is like a polar opposite of ccp; one being encapsulation while the other being fluidity - ccp and devoa respectively. some parallels can be drawn on the emphasis on a "classic" look being the core of each, with certain digressive elements conceived and birthed within each litter.

    will post back tomorrow with em response. heard they can be rather difficult with phone orders...

  3. with so few words you've convinced me to contact eastern market tomorrow to get deet's on these. did you perchance see if they had a size 44 equivelant?!?!?!

    know what you mean about the ccp ageing thing. craftsman ship and all that jazz are top notch. i appreciate it all from a distance. but hell, everything ends up looking ridiculous given enough time. personally i prefer devoa cause i'm all about freedom of movement while stylin' in a hypocritical sense cause i'm lazy as sin. oblomov in fine threads.

  4. tbh it isn't hard to make ccp's look too bad if you compare em to anything from the carpe family tree and i'm saying this with love in my heart for my pair of carol made derbies.

    d...d...damn. wanna see a pair of these in person. hopefully they'll still have some in stock next time i make it to melbourne. how were the derbs? beautiful i imagine.

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