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Posts posted by footfeet

  1. I would recommend it to anyone who has the money - that should be the main reason why you don't have one. Get yourself measured like you were getting a suit and have it made to measure. Also measure another good fitting jacket you have, the toj site has info on how to do this. Youre already paying a lot so you might as well get the jacket you want tailored to fit you perfectly.

  2. Yeah that too. The flannels at selfedge are 'cowboy' style, just look at the shoulders. Another reason why I don't purchase them as it's not really my style, not hating if that's what you're into though. I don't want a wardrobe full of flannel designed like that and fits awkwardly on me, no matter how good the quality is. I like the flannel I posted simply because it fits really well, versatile, good construction, and just fits my personal style more.

  3. Ya'll have a seriously weak flannel game.

    Then post pics of flannels you approve of kiya. I personally like the quality of the flannels selfedge sells (i've bought a few) but I've come to the realization a lot of those japanese brands won't fit me right.

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