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Andrew McNasty

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Posts posted by Andrew McNasty

  1. This is my new favorite sufu thread.

    @moykky Awesome style with the LVC's, I bet they break in pretty crazy climbing.

    @hailxenu The scene in seattle sounds pretty awesome. My gym has a decent bouldering area, but an ALL bouldering gym sounds amazing. p.s. I agree with everything you wrote. Beautiful ladies with fit bods, nicest people ever.

    I'm climbing tonight with some friends at Hanger 18 in Hawthorne. I'm finishing V3's pretty consistently but still haven't finished a single V4 yet. BTW, if any SUFU socal people ever want to try out bouldering I get one free guest pass a month with my membership. I'd be happy to hook someone up and show them the ropes. I've gotten 4 friends to join already, they love it! Just pm me and we'll link up. I'll be the dude climbing in the Rick Owens swinger pants and Givenchy Rottweiler crew, jk.

  2. Thanks for bumping this thread. Im new but I'm hooked. I go 3 - 5 times a week to hanger 18 in Hawthorne.

    To the new guy trying it out. Your hands are going to take a beating its gonna be hard to look very badass with fresh hands. The good thing is she'll be used to newbies, AND your gonna have the best teacher. Experienced women climbers have amazing technique.

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