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Posts posted by FranklinCosgrove

  1. ^^ You edit that shit to Nic*** or face the rage.

    Speaking of rage. I just thought of a great Nic Cage themed southern restaurant: The Ragin' Nic Cajun. Every dish is named after Nic Cage.

    Honey Bourbon Chicken: "Oh god not the bees."

    A steak covered in fried chicken skin: "Face Off"

    Continental breakfast that features only avian delicacies, i.e. duck, chicken: "Con Air"

    All meat would be raised in Arizona.

  2. Ordered myself some goodies from the valve store. 'Aperture Laboratories' vinyl stickers. Came in a set of 1 large one and 2 small ones. Also got an Aperture Laboratories mug. Says "A trusted friend in science" on the back. :) #nerdshit



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