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Posts posted by Layne

  1. Agreed, but this can be said about anything posted on this site. No one paid $350 for jeans/pants, $300 for a shirt, $600 for a jacket, etc........

    Have you seen the Alden Factory Tour video by Epaulet? At the end, the guy mentions that it was a huge deal (in the '50s) to raise the price of their shell cordovan shoes to $30 and now they're $600... Just the way shit goes.

    Here's the link: http://vimeo.com/6997219

    Damn, all these expensive engineer boots kind of erks me. I think the styling and reproduction vibe is great, but give me break, $1000 for engineer boots? I think the cats that wore these originally are spinning in their graves or laughing at us for dropping so much loot on boots that they didn't spend more than $20 back in the day.
  2. Goddammit, all of this made my day. cheap, I've been trying to rep you for hours but I'm all out.... I just thought this needed to be quoted.

    no, its fucking lame to post a pic of you smoking a cigar if you dont smoke, and wernt smoking it. seriously.
    oh... wait... you were wearing jeans in a waywt that you were trying to sell on here? thats fucked up. you could have shit yourself in them. or spilled milk on them or some shit... 12 year olds drink milk right?
    maybe its because im old, and grew up in a different time, but i hold firm to the belief that 15 year olds should be out trying to get pussy, sneaking drinks, and getting into trouble rather than posting pics of thier outfits on the internet.
    youre probably right. when i was 15 i had never even been on the internet. i didnt have a cell phone... not even a pager. all i did was skate and listen to punk rock and NY hiphop.
  3. True, they may not look more worn with one wear. However, your current philosophy as a seller is not a good one IMO. People buy stuff online based on pictures, and if the pics don't match the product... well that's fucking wrong.

    I guess so, but they won't look anymore worn than they already do with one more wear.
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