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Posts posted by Layne

  1. What smoke jumper did you get Layne, standard black or custom make-up?

    I went with a custom black chromexcel very similar to what davichan posted a few weeks back, except with a steel toe. I'm still waiting on my foot tracings to get confirmed, and then I was told the wait right now is at least 6 weeks.

  2. 5701660453_8e63a79234_z.jpg

    I would know this place anywhere -- that's Boris and his used shoe shop. I think I've been to this place every time I've been to NYC in the past several years because a friend of mine from Brooklyn somehow knows Boris.

    As we were sitting there talking to Boris, people were trading their used shoes for his used shoes that weren't in any better condition. Homeless guys would also pay him $1 - $2 to glue/reinforce the soles of their sneakers.

    At the bottom right corner, you can somewhat see his large battered Barney stuffed animal. That thing is so mangy and covered in burns, patches, and anarchy symbols. He said it was given to him by a punk band... possibly the Casualties. I have some pictures of it somewhere but can't seem to find em.

    Boris and his shop are truly one of a kind. Must spread -Z-.

  3. I've seen some information on japanese white's dealer web shop.

    they said that steel toe make toe part leather worn out

    faster than single celastic toe.

    This is a problem that you're going to encounter with any steel toe boot... it's unavoidable. From my understanding, the celastic toe is simply a reinforcement for the toe box and not in any way a replacement for a steel toe. And to comply with my company (as well as gov't regulations), I have to have a steel toe boot.

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