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shea butter

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Posts posted by shea butter

  1. fit is ok, I just think It just looks sloppy. Not really feeling how the pants are sitting, and probably would look better with the hems loose and overlapping those deck lo's. Deck los are just an ugly shoe imo, but that has nothing to do with your fit.

    Edit: it's the cargo pockets that throwing me off. Even if they are EG, still very old navy style, no mater how you cut it.

  2. To anybody, if you r n ny or la, be a doll, head down to the store, get it, then rip it.

    I would love to have a physical copy, I hope the open the site with this. It would be the only thing I pay for this season so far besides the north face.

    If anyone has a copy I'll give you $13 shipping included seeing as its free.

  3. I'm not a fan of that fit either; it's fucking boring as shit, and his slippers look like he's been stomping bricks, plus they were just a shitty choice to begin with.

    but if you think nothing fits, then you must have quoted the wrong picture.

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