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Posts posted by Satya

  1. @grouse

    lucky you! they do not suppose to have the tab and arc, and you'll be fine with the waist grouse, they will shrink fairly and stretch a bit after like 2 to 3 wears... that's what I heard about LOT 12..

  2. Great fit Satya.
    That fit doesn't get much better Satya, nice must spread.

    thanks guys! it is my pleasure to asking you guys about the fit and ended up getting information about chainstitch hemming in my place, and I love the fit now, appreciate it much :)

  3. ferrichie

    no worries fer, welcome to sufu, and like I said, the leather patch of 013 kinda thrown me off, me myself prefer 011, besides, 013 using the same old denim as 005, no too special IMO, no hate for 013's owner... again, it is up to you bru :)

    anyway, here's my 005 after they got the hem done


    the stitches


    compared to the ol' one (top=now, bottom=original)


  4. Hi fer, good to see you here, its 2-3 pages back I believe that they discuss about the 013, try check it first fer, the thing is 013 got a too much leather patch that it is now blue in green in them, not the normal pure blue japan, anyway, just got my 005 hemmed with chainstitch, thanks to bunga for the heads up! Will post fit pic later this night

  5. @satya - there's a chainstitching machine (the only one in KL) in campbell complex, take a cab down to town and tell the cabbie where you want to go.

    the shop is on the 1st floor, go up the escalator, make a U turn to your left and go straight. it's the shop where the tailor share space with a leather goods maker.

    appreciate it much bunga!! the thing is I drive here, and I don't know where campbell complex is, but for this matter, I will take a cab and give my car a rest tomorrow! big thanks mate!

  6. dont do such a cuff, just cuff it some and still stack a little bit yknow

    you mean small little cuff or a big cuff?


    where did you get the shirt by the way? looks pretty cool.

    thanks, it's actually a Uniqlo chambray :)

  7. I know I should hem it, it is just there's no chainstitching service in where I live, and it would cost me a bunch to send the jeans out to BiG only to get it hemmed, I know it sounds silly to worry too much about the chainstitch, but I just want to keep it original, thanks for the opinions guys

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