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Posts posted by Episode3

  1. i saw some kid humping (and i mean humping) his moms legs today, extremely awkward because she saw me staring at them and i didn't want to be rude so i tried to play it off but she was already embarrassed, i felt bad..

    p.s. the mom was extremely hot.

  2. I had this addiction of the vitamin water bottles and fuze drinks back in the summer, i collected all the bottles.. unfortunately i tossed them, wish i had kept them all but it took up all my floor space and then i realized it was time to stop and how much money was put into those drinks.. i'm so sick of them now lol

  3. You are irresponsible fucking loser.

    that is why i am never doing it again, well it's not like i was speeding. i think you took what i said to an extreme haha. i was alone, i just almost hit a traffic light, swerved when i was in the middle on the intersection, followed the left turn road lines :S it was terrible.. you are right ):

  4. crissy/evilcrayon, i'm like that when i'm drunk lmao, i drive perfectly when i'm drunk, my bad habit of not signaling goes away... but when i bun, idk.. my feet are numb as fuck, can't brake and accelerate properly, almost died tonight fucked up

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