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Posts posted by mctaran

  1. last night i had a dream.

    it was shiny horsehide viberg service boot.

    i was wearing them in september at early russian automn.

    i was drinking vodka with my firends and my bear was happy.

    my boots was great.

    let's skip bear-vodka part, but maybe we can get any timing info from Bret?

    would be nice, becuase we are waiting like half year already.

    i'm fine to wait more, but would be super nice if we will know a date when we will get our invoices.

  2. how are you guys getting rust? from sweat or consistent water contact (pee perhaps :P)

    haha, no water contact at all, maybe just sweat.

    Not pee for sure, it's a top button...

    i mean it will wierd if someone will pee on top button :)

  3. so time for update:



    Left leg got more vertical fades so far.

    The top button is rusting but not so much like BF's one.

    Will take more detailed pics when i get time.

    Also i guess it's time for 2nd wash soonish..

    How many did you washed guys?

  4. you should be fine. I wear 9.5D in wesco and 9.5D in viberg. However, i feel theres more room in the wesco's. Don't you live near viberg? why won't you just stop by and ask them for a custom fit form or measure your feet.

    Thanks for sizing advice!

    Sadly not, i'm living in Moscow, so to visit Viberg i need to travel over the ocean :)

  5. Ed, ill mail you at evening (like 10 hours after this post), need to comeback from work and do research about viberg sizes...

    Guys, anyone who already had vibergs, can some tell me sizes?

    For example i'm wearing 8d in whites packers and 8d in RedWing GT,

    do vibergs run the same size or should i take 7.5D?

    I got a concern with size atm :(

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