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Posts posted by OMEGA JELLY JIGGLE

  1. walked past an injured/dying squirrel on the way home. Ran into the street to pick it up because it was twitching and it's hot as fuck. Tons of cars had like driven around it and over it (not on it) and it was prob out in the sun for like half an hour. took it into someone's lawn and tried to keep it safe for like half an hour (cleaned blood off it's face). it had some fucked up head injury and was breathing hella erratically. going back in like 20 minutes to see if it's still alive.

    does this count as procrastination if I have a huge project due tomorrow?

    damnit, so I called a lady from the urban wildlife center or some shit here in Sacramento and she told me that it's going to die unless I do x, y, and z, then take it to a urban wildlife center asap. so I'm thinking great this is like right in the neighborhood. then she told me that she is going to be out of town tomorrow so she can't take in any more animals. so she told me to take it to the North Highlands location which is far as fuck

    I googled information on how to treat it and they all say the same thing so I am just going to see if I can drop it off at the vet's later. I have no mode of transportation btw which is why I won't take it to NH

    wow I seriously wasted so much time already

    frustrated... what if the thing dies anyways...:mad:

  2. walked past an injured/dying squirrel on the way home. Ran into the street to pick it up because it was twitching and it's hot as fuck. Tons of cars had like driven around it and over it (not on it) and it was prob out in the sun for like half an hour. took it into someone's lawn and tried to keep it safe for like half an hour (cleaned blood off it's face). it had some fucked up head injury and was breathing hella erratically. going back in like 20 minutes to see if it's still alive.

    does this count as procrastination if I have a huge project due tomorrow?

  3. i watched the TLO pack vs. nada/boxer... not really impressed

    in game1 nada tried to counter TLO's thors with tanks and in game 2 he pushed at retarded times for no reason... he had a gold and went offensive on TLO's main when they had about equal armies but TLO ran from nada's stim then counter-stimmed raping him

    yeah dude...I was disappointed that the games were so short...it's clear that nada and boxer aren't on the same level as TLO. TLO's rine push into hellions into thor made boxer look lik e a super noob

    still was fun to watch for nostalgic reasons though. Nice to see boxer beat jinro...he's still got some fight in him

  4. He's had sex with 26 girls before me, so I'm well aware he likely has others right now. It probably is a girl thing, but I don't do random hookups. I'm very picky with who I have sex with; we need to have good chemistry and I need to get to know the guy first, otherwise I won't do it. It makes it a lot more enjoyable for me.

    I could explain all the reasons why I don't want a boyfriend, at least in the near future, but it would just be long and dull.

    you say he doesn't want a relationship, but you approach him in a way that would be suggest relationship interest.

    so you talked a lot and fucked a lot, and then you contact him...maybe he thinks you caught feelings and want relationship now.

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