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Posts posted by wgmds

  1. WTF, a $2200 jean jacket, who the hell wore it .. Woody Guthry maybe? A $600 mexican ring, (as cool as it it) ...really?

    and it was indeed the jean jacket pre WWII

    i know i know. i saw that shit, people drop a lot of money for things honestly, you never know. i also know someone who knows the owner and sold him wwII flight jackets from soldiers and he said the guy always raped

  2. ok i'll give it a shot

    the picture is blurry as hell so you can't see much anywhoo

    -you could profit from a longer inseam

    -can't tell if you're tucking your shirt or not. but anyway if you're wearing a cardigan, the shirt or tshirt underneath must come as close as possible to the cardigans length at your waist. just looks weird atm

    also wear a buttondown or something and not a tshirt under that, please

    thanks and sorry about the pic. i really need a pair of not different jeans, most likely not lvc. its a cardigcan which i should just unbutton i guess, thanks for the comment though

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