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into the rain

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Posts posted by into the rain

  1. i seriously hate fucking pseudo-intellectual / "artist" jackasses.

    not getting poetry is like not getting water? what the fuck? this kind of pretentiousness is exactly why i don't follow poetry or associate myself with "poets."

    honestly, i'd rather have some WASP-y frat bro come up to me and tell me that he's better than me because he drives a porsche or a 7-series, rather than some fucking no-name dirty-ass douchebag who thinks he is better than people just because he memorized a couple verses of Bukowski.

    the whole struggling artist / misunderstood genius shit is so fucking contrived, and i hope to god one day that this fucking asshole will realize his entire life and persona had been a huge fucking cliche.

    nobody gives a fuck about contemporary poetry because of bitch-ass dudes like him. most of the "works" by these so-called "poets" are just them trying to come off as if they are dealing with something so profound, but it's all purposely obscured to cover up their tragically elementary and naive thinking. so when someone tries to criticize the work, these "poets" can automatically fend off any criticism with "oh you misunderstood me, you are an idiot." fucking bullshit.

    honestly nobody gives a fuck about your "struggle." if you want to see struggle go to the fucking projects or some 3rd world country. at least people there contribute something to society, while you scribble 16 lines of bullshit and call it art. enjoy crying yourself to sleep at night with smashing pumpkins playing in the background.

    yeah you a real holden fucking caulfield overprivileged bourgeois prick. parents paying 44k in tuitions and you call yourself a struggling artist? fuck off and die

  2. i had no idea about this thread!

    a picture i took a couple of months ago. i originally posted it in the cellphone pic thread, but this thread seems more fitting.


  3. people who think they are fans of soccer just because they watch it once every four years.

    just because you memorized a couple of names from playing winning eleven or fifa on your friend's xbox doesnt mean you know anything about the sport.


  4. word. I just picked up What We Talk About When We Talk About Love because it's silly that I've gone this far in life without my own copy.

    I think Where I'm Calling From includes most of the stories in that book in addition to all the stories (if not most) in Elephant and Cathedral. I thought it would be better to pay $15 for the compilation piece rather than $15 each for 3 different books.

  5. i will wait a couple of months.

    if i cop as soon as it comes out i will fucking want to kill myself when "iPhone 4S" or some bullshit comes out in 2 months. i learned my mistakes from previous Apple purchases.

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