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into the rain

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Posts posted by into the rain

  1. I'm starting to look at colleges this is weird. Looking to go into journalism or advertising. The schools I'm looking at are

    U.Oregon, U.Illinois, Lsu, and some other in state schools but I really want to get out of Illinois. Anyone here go/has gone to these schools?

    print journalism is dying/dead bro. not much future there. unless by journalism you were talking about tv stuff.

    if you are going to journalism programs, syracuse, northwestern, and missouri are the best undergrad programs.

  2. ^ how about transfer to Cal? much better school than NYU and should be significantly cheaper for you as well i am guessing.

    i really don't think NYU is worth 80k in debt. in fact, outside of HYPSM (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, and MIT) incurring debt for an undergraduate education IMO is a huge waste. especially more so if you are considering a profession where a graduate degree is required/valued most of the time (like in your case).

    if you want to go into areas of specialized teaching/pedagogy, generally a graduate school is the credited answer. i would suggest you go to whatever school is cheapest for you, kick ass there, and apply to peabody (vanderbilt) / teachers college (columbia).

    while NYU's undergraduate program at steinhardt might be attractive to you given your interests, but also consider the fact that there will be people coming out of graduate programs at various top schools of education who will be more qualified and well-trained than you might be.

  3. Don't get me started dude, this is the worst state in the country.

    and yes, I have been to every state in the country (with the exception of hawaii... but my friend was born there)

    jersey does suck but, honestly, i would rather be in jersey (north jersey) than a state like Alabama or Mississippi where kids go to college to get edjimacated.

  4. after successfully avoiding anime freak japanophiles during 4 years of studying japanese in undergrad. i've been assigned to one as a roommate in law school. i'm fucking going insane. tired of hearing shitty 8-bit nintendo music on full blast, and shitty fucking japanese anime theme songs. FUCK.

    lol damn i didnt know anime type of people went to law school. you should confront him if he is on some otaku shit. 1L is the most important year of your law school career... you really should try to find a new living arrangement if it will bother you with your studies.

  5. when i walk down the stairs to the subway platform and my train just leaves.

    even worse if i run to the door and it shuts right in front of my face; and i look to my right to the conductor dude sticking his head out of the window, and he looks at me as if nothing happened and the train leaves. fucking asshole. would it really be so bad to open the door for a second to let me in? ugh

  6. sooooooo

    is it just me or do straight korny azn girls go for white guys

    and half white/azn girls go for asian guys

    because that's what i'm noticing...?

    not to get too freudian but if the half white/azn girl has a white dad, then she usually goes for white guys. and if the dad is asian, then she generally goes for asian guys.

  7. I'm starting to really hate Facebook and stuff like that. I mean, I don't even want to know about what people I've briefly met are up to. I keep it because I like to keep in touch with a very select group of people but other than that it's a piece a shit. Another thing I hate is how people I like in real life, develop this really annoying e-persona posting tons of things for attention, or certain things that will make other people think they are smart or diverse. And then other stupid people will "like" or comment on that stuff. Then I will just end up hating and being an asshole to those people I initially liked.

    Fuck, social networking is making everyone come into contact with other people will all kinds of preconceived notions and misunderstandings.

    This post is probably really trite but it's been bugging me this entire summer because I've been super bored and have pretty much picked apart every annoying or unlikeable aspect of both myself and all of my so-called friends. Conclusion: don't worry about other people, just concentrate on yourself, if all else fails just don't think about things that are fucked if there's no solution, or are meaningless to fix.

    I'm so glad school is starting in a couple of weeks so I can just devote all my cognitive power to school work.

    I recently deactivated my facebook for similar reasons.

    Is there any way to just delete the account straight up?

  8. starting to think going to state intead of NYU would have been a better choice

    i know a couple of people who initially didnt enjoy their time at NYU. mostly because of their roommate situation, but i also tend to think they enjoyed the idea of going to a school in NYC more than actually doing so. but nevertheless, they eventually started having a better time both academically and socially at the school. i dont know if you are a transfer or a freshmen, but i would suggest you give it a chance.

  9. in response to that "interior semiotics" video... seriously wow. and these people are supposed to be the "artists" of our generation?i cant decide which is more ridiculous: the fact that people actually sat around and seriously/reflectively watched someone piss all over herself, or the fact that this girl honestly considered it to be art.

    seriously, these types of contemporary "art" are complete shit (and often literally shit). after watching that video, im seriously concerned about where it is all going. really just so much pretentiousness and bullshit in what is deemed as art these days. artsy for the sake of being artsy, rather than rising out of any genuine creativity. i really wonder whether this girl knows anything about semiotics or linguistics in general, and not just some hip blog post she once read about Noam Chomsky. the general trend in hipsterdom, it seems to me, is to just consume and appropriate other cultures and concepts without a fundamental understanding of anything - just utter indifference to their origins or meaning, but complete attention to how they appear on the surface. since everything is watered down to rudimentary symbolism, it seems to stand for everything when it really stands for nothing; and i tend to think this symptomatic of much of postmodern "art" in general.

    where did the days go when man sought to genuinely understand and create? it's so easy to express through "art" how shitty life is, but what should be of greater concern, to me at least, is to inspire change. maybe it's just me, but i do see a lot of nihilistic tendencies in much of these "arts."

    whatever. if anything, the video highlights the fact that the hipster "artist" circle is just one big circle jerk.

  10. Natse is that video part of a larger video?

    I thought the epilogue would be longer than that.

    I was hoping they would provide some answers to the show's various narrative contradictions / plot holes.

    One that immediately comes to mind is how Christian (AKA MIB) appeared on the freighter boat just before it was about to blow up. Anyone remember that? Michael (Walt's dad) was trying to freeze up the bomb from exploding and Christian suddenly appears and says something like "you can go now" or something along that line... then boom!

    So if the MIB can leave the island and appear on a fucking boat 30 miles off the shore... then why the hell doesn't he just leave the island if he wants to leave so bad? hm?

  11. lots of places, depends what you want live near. any place specific?

    I think Center City? Basically, we are considering places near U Penn. I am not sure how far this area is from the school though. If you know any other areas that might be affordable and safe please let me know. I heard rent is cheap in most areas of Philly, but do you think Center City might be more expensive than others?

  12. the new yorker and nyt reviews for inception were generally unfavorable from what i can remember. so this whole new yorker anti-nolan shit might have some truth.

    some of these guys need to stop talking shit and over-intellectualizing movies though. it's a fucking movie, enjoy it. you are not going to find answers to the mystery of life in a fucking movie. no one should expect that from a movie. not even from the "artsy" ones.

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