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into the rain

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Posts posted by into the rain

  1. i see a lot of "RIP Grandpa" and "RIP (somebody)" on people's facebook status updates.

    seems really inappropriate. i mean it MAY be alright if all your network of friends on facebook consists of family members etc.; but, for most people, almost half the people are strangers.

    i also quit smoking for a bit now, but i dont really notice anything different about myself. someone told me food is supposed to taste better... tastes the same to me.

  2. Hold on, you think you know anything about life?

    see, what you are doing here is assuming the unsaid and putting words in my mouth, rather than reading what is actually being said.

    your point about age and its correlation to life-knowledge doesnt really make sense. there are plenty of older adults who have no idea "what life is" (as if anyone can really account for that). you dont have to look far; just read a couple of pages in this thread. i mean, by your logic here, something like midlife crisis wouldnt exist. sadly, it does.

    but even if your point was valid, then what is someone "young" supposed to do? be some passive receptacle and simply accept everything he is told about what life is and how he should live it? what i was offering up wasnt some alternative, off-beat life guideline; i was simply suggesting that people should question and give some serious consideration into their life-decisions.

    it's not a value judgment that i was suggesting. in other words, there is nothing wrong with going into law, finance, or underwater basketweaving - that is, if you really gave it some serious thought and decided that it was something you really wanted to pursue.

    and one of the problems that i notice is that if you even begin to question the "get money, fuck bitches, smoke weed" lifestyle, people laugh at you, call you naive, and just assume that you are some beatnik, hippie-kinda guy who is against the Establishment (as some people have said about me here). thats not what im saying. there is nothing wrong with that lifestyle in itself.

    i wasnt preaching or offering any guidelines on life; no one can. and it would be absurd to think that you will somehow naturally progress with age into a point in your life where everything becomes clear and you "see the light." ask a 40 year old bum who lived with his parents for all his life about what life is. i would love to know. given your logic, he would be sage-like, no?

    i was simply suggesting that people question more critically some of the decisions that they encounter in their lives, rather than jumping into them without any serious consideration. really, twisting other people's words and assuming what isn't said in their argument are poor ways to make any genuine comment on it.

    hey but what do i know - im just a kid.

    again, please PM me if you want to talk. thread has been derailed long enough.

  3. Sorry for the semi-unconnected post, but...

    I was on the icarus and I checked the AUD to USD exchange rate ratio. For me, it's pretty insane that the AUD is valued higher than the USD at the moment.

    i noticed this too man when i was calculating costs at the Icarus webstore. shiet.

  4. Church People who protest homosexuality.

    really now?

    is this fucking 1250 AD?

    christian fundamentalists' homophobia is beyond retarded. i mean, it doesnt even make sense if you really look at it. go out to any anti-abortion rallies and you will see people holding up signs like "RIGHT TO LIFE." but think about it: what if the fetus they save through protest turns out to be a gay man or a woman? you think these people will be out there fighting for his or her "Right to Life?" No. these are the same exact people who will be at anti-gay rallies holding up dumb signs like "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."

    how people can be so dedicated to promoting Life, but still harbor homophobic sentiments is beyond me. if the right to be with someone you love, to share your life with that person, isn't a fundamental aspect of a "Right to Life," then whatever conception of this Right is it's severely flawed. the whole christian "conservative" ideology is really based on contradictions they never really address at all.

    i mean these are the same people trying to minimize social welfare and safety nets for the poor; but what happened to the "Right to Life?" a kid is born into poverty and the people that essentially forced him to come into his miserable, shithole existence are saying "hey, sorry, you are on your own now."

    they also love to say marriage is a sacred institution. lol. look at the divorce rates in this country. it's a bad joke.

    im not gay by the way so i dont have a dog in this race.

  5. BDs law states that, should this thread fail to have a single page without a Murakami book, the internet will self destruct.

    haha cant rep.

    started this the other day. fairly short. never read any works by Musil before. his major work is called Man Without Qualities; if anyone has read it let me know if it's any good.


  6. PLEASE copy and paste this into a word document and save it. open it up 3 years from now in front of your cubical job and try not to cry.

    take your own advice, kid. stop trying to drop knowledge on areas that are basically a knowledge crater at this point.

    In 3 years you will be poor and telling us about Ginsberg and your philosophy major, and we still won't care.

    I should point out that quoting wikipedia is the sign of an idiot, honestly.

    yes, and being condescending by calling people kids and telling them that they are poor are surely signs of intelligence and good argumentation. not even original enough to come up with your own argument as you quote mine.

    funny how you say "we still won't care," as if i was somehow begging for your/people's acceptance haha. i guess thats how you always think things.

    look, you're pretty dumb, and i dont really give a fuck what you think. you created a nice schtick for yourself here with your hackneyed relationship advice and 6th grade book report quotes from steinbeck and fitzgerald - i congratulate you for that. i mean it. but still, as much as all of us here enjoy the anonymity of the internet, try not to be a dick and attack people for no reason, especially when it doesn't concern you at all.

    i mean, i know you have to compensate for the fact that you are a mouth-breathing beta douchebag in real life with your suave, pseudo-intellectual e-persona, but really dont be a dick about it.

    if the best you can do is make fun of people about their wealth, or lack thereof, it just makes you look like an asshat. the fact that you immediately connect "power" and "authority" with wealth really shows what kind of a person you are.

    im 20 about to graduate college. you are 29 still in school getting a shit degree from a 2nd-tier university. you tell me who is "better." who knows? maybe 3 years from now i will be fucking broke and you will drive by in your maserati and laugh at me. but hey, at least i will be original.

    good luck with your life. but i will be adding you to the ignore list, as i will only be frustrated in seeing your ignorance all over this forum.

    P.S., the wikipedia link was for your benefit, as i thought someone who knew of straw man arguments cannot possibly make the same logical fallacy repeatedly in his argument.

  7. Kid...you are about to discover that once your youth is gone, the only thing that matters is living well. i.e. the real world is going to fuck you directly in the asshole if you don't think you need to make/save money.

    Given the fact that your treatise is RIDDLED with spelling errors/grammatical errors/logical errors, you don't have a shot at law school or finance anyways, so that's pretty stupid for you to talk about. That's like me talking about how bogus professional sports are. I'm 5'9" and 140 with my hair wet. I can't fucking talk about professional sports.

    The thing you don't seem to grasp is that people that are successful, financially, generally have gone through the same existential crisis you are now going through and have come through it much better off than you will. You should envy them - not because they are "indifferent" but because they understand how the real world works. If you want to go teach and fuck teenage girls, well hell you can do that. Nobody is stopping you.

    Here's the thing though: people that make a lot of money? They get paid a lot of money because they provide a great deal of service to society. Otherwise they wouldn't get paid. You talk shit about lawyers and finance people, but guess what? Those are the people making sure your fucking parents could afford a house. Those are the people that protect you from getting robbed, and killed, and just beat the fuck up at random. Society is based on the idea that we can own something - even Steinbeck understood that. In East of Eden he writes that "a man is nothing unless he owns some part of land, even a tiny piece of something", to paraphrase a moving passage that I'm too lazy to look up.

    Stop being an indulgent little pissant and grow the fuck up. If you don't want to go into some industry, nobody is making you do it. Sure you don't NEED to do anything. You don't NEED to not chug clorox and run around, but it's probably in your best interest. this whole essay just comes off as petulant whining. Get over yourself. Everyone else already has.

    Oh, and yeah, travel is great. You know what else is great? Having enough money to actually travel because you work really hard at your job and get paid well because you're fucking brilliant at it.

    Good luck with your "original" life choices, I'm sure they will be very different from every movie that's a journey of self-discovery, heartbreak, and forgiveness.

    i will admit i was slightly drunk last night, but the ad hominem attacks seem uncalled for, no? i take it you're in one of the "finance" or "law" type of gigs, but where in my previous post do i "talk shit about lawyers and finance people?" the people i was referring to are my friends in school currently preparing for those kind of jobs, i.e., not yet lawyers or bankers. reading comp. fail? and as for the state of the US legal market, it's more or less true; if you have any doubts about this you can PM me.

    and as for this remark "those [bankers, lawyers] are the people that protect you from getting robbed, and killed, and just beat the fuck up at random." this is just nonsense, and i won't even take this up. read it again, im sure you will know why.

    not sure how a single post (or really any number of posts) casually made on an internet clothes forum can be used as some metric to determine whether or not someone has the intellectual capacity for law/business school. A) you don't know the circumstances in which that post was made (drunk, high, etc.), B) even if one were to assume that it is indeed the case that you can somehow use forum posts to gauge a person's mental aptitude in legal/financial work, then at least the person can improve them, no? in other words, you will forever remain 5' 9" but a person can further improve his intelligence. so not really sure how your analogy is relevant at all here.

    and where did i say anything about teaching english abroad to "fuck teenage girls?" here you are talking about how fucking terrible my logical reasoning is, and yet you are the one putting words in my mouth and twisting them. straw man much?


    "The thing you don't seem to grasp is that people that are successful, financially, generally have gone through the same existential crisis you are now going through and have come through it much better off than you will. You should envy them."

    lol? and this is why lawyers are consistently ranked the most depressed professionals for decades? look, i dont deny that there are some professionals out there who are entirely satisfied with their job/life, but your generalization here is just ridiculous. i really hope you dont bring up some remark about logical arguments again.

    "Society is based on the idea that we can own something - even Steinbeck understood that. In East of Eden he writes that "a man is nothing unless he owns some part of land, even a tiny piece of something", to paraphrase a moving passage that I'm too lazy to look up."

    is quoting steinbeck supposed to impress me? he argued for ownership of private property? noooo what?! groundbreaking! im glad you read steinbeck from 7th grade, but if you are impressed by that quote enough to memorize it by heart, you should be the last one commenting on anyone's intelligence/mental capacity.

    "Stop being an indulgent little pissant and grow the fuck up. Sure you don't NEED to do anything. You don't NEED to not chug clorox and run around, but it's probably in your best interest. this whole essay just comes off as petulant whining. Get over yourself. Everyone else already has."

    you are missing the point. is straw man how you usually argue with people? i will ignore the ad hominem, but i think it's pretty sad that someone who is supposedly old enough to know better is online calling young people pissants and whiners, rather than offering any genuine guidance. with that said, my point was that people often conflate what they need and what they want. i personally think that true needs are only biological needs (in addition to food and shelter). my friends often tell me things like "i need to get this internship/job/test score or my life is over," and it's probably not too difficult, even for you, to see how ridiculous of a statement that is. rather than really trying to figure out what they have a genuine interest in, or what they are talented in, they are obsessed with this narrow "point A -> B if not fuck my life" kind of mentality. it doesn't matter what the particular field is (accounting, finance, law, etc.). my point was that these people don't really take the time to reflect, and are dying to jump into a serious professional commitment. soon enough, most of my friends will be tied down to mortgage payments and family engagements, and the idea of enjoying the good life will become more and more distant.

    "Oh, and yeah, travel is great. You know what else is great? Having enough money to actually travel because you work really hard at your job and get paid well because you're fucking brilliant at it."

    again, how is your point even remotely relevant to what i said in my post? you seem to have the wrong idea of traveling. i wasn't talking about chilling at four seasons or some posh place in europe. if that's your idea of traveling, then i have nothing more to say to you.

    and this last sentence: "having enough money to actually travel because you work really hard at your job and get paid well because you're fucking brilliant at it." PLEASE copy and paste this into a word document and save it. open it up 3 years from now in front of your cubical job and try not to cry.

    if you want to talk feel free to PM me; i would rather not derail the thread.

  8. if you keep it up she will probably leave.

    no hate or anything Mharcl but everytime i see your post it's something like:

    i love her

    i know she wont leave me

    but i asked her how many guys she fucked and stressing out about it

    i love her

    i know she wont leave me

    but i pretended like i was breaking up with her just to see her reaction

    i love her

    i know she wont leave me...

    (insert trifling/cruel shit)

    but a day will come if you keep doing shit like that man. im sure you are a nice guy in person but you come off as someone miserable to have around as a boyfriend. good luck though seriously.

  9. ive been doing a lot of thinking about this. it really is difficult to figure out what one should do with ones life. and ive been rather disturbed by how one-dimensional and narrow-minded some of the people ive spoken with are on this matter.

    these people seem so eager to go on to some law, finance, f500 career track gigs that i am not really sure if they really reflected on what it is they want out of life. they often say I NEED TO DO X, but really the only things you NEED to do in life are eating, fucking, defecating, and sleeping. i think the question is what do you want to do - a question which admittedly is hard for most (myself included) to figure out. but i mean everybody can make money. sure some people make more and some make jack shit, but my point is this: is that really what you want out of life? collect bunch of papers and use it to buy shit you dont really need? how original is that?

    maybe it's just me because most of the people that i hang out and associate with - regrettably - are really just modern day philistines. no appreciation for any culture and just a general lack of inquistiveness. they can ask what, but they never ask why. what i find frustrating is that they seem entirely satisfied with things as they are. i almost envy that kind of indifference because i was never able to be like that. i certainly dont wish to convey myself as "someone who has seen the light." i dont have any answers. but i think anyone who recently graduated/about to graduate should really consider taking some time off before committing to any serious (financially or time-wise) career path. not only ask yourself what it is that you want to do, but also ask yourself why. if you have any doubts about answering the latter in an entirely satisfying manner, i don't think you are ready. but then again, most people aren't and they go on living their "great" lives just fine.

    and as for me, i will be taking some time off (probably a year or two) traveling and teaching english abroad. i will also be learning either french or german - something that i always wanted to do but lacked the motivation to do so. oh and read tons of things i havent had the time to without worrying about writing some paper for it. the uncertainty of my future really bothered me; but now i embrace it.

    in the long run, the law may be an option but it really is forever fucked. basically, you graduate college, go to law school, try to get a job you will fucking hate but cant get out because your 200k in debt. then realize US legal market is totally fucked post-lehman brothers/economic collapse, and your shot at 160k+ fancy big city BIGLAW gig is about a 50% chance (assuming you went to a top 6 law school). you get no offered and end up working at some shitty government bureau for 40k a year clearing parking tickets - money you could have made teaching high school (probably more than 40k) in NYC with a fucking bachelors without wasting 3 years of your life with insufferable assholes, not to mention the 200k in school loans.

    or i could end up in graduate school where i could spend 7-8 years of my life only to realize that there are basically no fucking jobs for academics in US; and if im lucky there will be an opening position in U. SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI where kids come to get edjimacated.

    tl;dr, life is hard. hope you find what you love. i havent. but hopefully i will soon enough. oh and travel! really a wonderful thing.

  10. im makin it rain bitches better get yo umbrella

    throwin 100 dollar bills in da club dressed in all white margiela

    you in da bathroom stall takin a piss

    forgot to lift your rickowenz cockbib and u scream "WTF IS THIS?"

    drenched in warm, golden and wet sensation

    look in the mirror for some deep reflection

  11. why does sufu load so slow?

    i don't have this problem with any other websites, so i don't think it's my internet connection.

    i can probably eat, wank, and brush my teeth before a page loads. ok that was exaggerated but fuck it's really slow.

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