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into the rain

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Posts posted by into the rain

  1. is this...good? I'm sure it's thought provoking but I just remember how hard zizek's accent is to listen to. I'm interested nonetheless

    it's very good. i dont find his accent to be much of a problem. whatever difficulty you (anyone) will face regarding zizek is his lacanian approach to cinema. if you are not familiar with lacan, then much of what zizek says here will not make sense. it's a shame because most of the people who find zizek to be "cool" never read a page of lacan or zizek's work.

  2. If you enjoy Hunger check out Growth Of The Soil. One of my favorite books.

    i loved Hunger! i will definitely check out Growth of the Soil. although when i found out Hamsun was a nazi sympathizer, i felt kind of :(, but i like to think that the work should be viewed as separate from the artist (although this is often difficult). have you seen Hunger, the film? pretty interesting as well.

  3. the french hate on everyone/everything not french (5).

    but seriously, freecat, what kind of logic is that? obviously there will always be people who are worse off than you, but to somehow use that as some reference point to your own personal problems is beyond retarded. yes, there are terrible things happening out in the world, but, lets be honest, to most of us, these are faceless, nameless people we will never meet, undergoing problems we will never get to experience. so how is your point even remotely helpful to heyson?

    to be clear, im not underestimating the kind of stuff that goes down in third-world countries. they are serious, tragic problems. but if you cant even feel sorry/grief for the problems in your own life because of "actual problems" of some stranger 1000 miles away, then what kind of a life is that? as selfish as it sounds, it is your life after all. whatever problem heyson is going through, it pertains to his life, and he should not be denied the "privilege" of feeling sorry for whatever problems that he encounters during it. regardless of the "seriousness" of his problems (friend died/mom found stack of porn), his problems are his actual problems.

    to make that kind of insensitive remark to a guy who is (supposedly) suicidal is just ridiculous.

    and unless you are out there helping those ethiopian kids, you are not in much of a position to judge heyson. wouldnt you agree? i mean that would just be the worst kind of shit ever. it's like joining one of those "save darfur" facebook groups and criticizing someone for not being aware of "actual problems," while never EVER having done even remotely relevant to actually helping the cause. you would only be exploiting their suffering for your own motives.

  4. how long did you smoke for?

    i hate it when people find out i get irritated by something and they do it just to spite me, fuck.. for example when cutlery scratches a plate, bitch just had to do it again.. (on purpose the second time)

    about 5 years. definitely not long as some people, but i guess i started young and ended young.

    i havent had one for months now, but i still want one now and then. it was really hard at first just because im in school/social settings surrounded by smokers.

  5. wow interesting article. one thing i noticed is that a lot of asian students (ones at my school at least) start slacking once they get to college. i know some of the asian students here who fucking dominated in high school/SAT, but now here at college they are putting up B range grades. not sure how much it has to do with difficulty of course work/laziness, but it's definitely interesting to see. it seems like thats the case at other ivys as well, from what my friends tell me.

    don't know much about canadian universities, but McGill was a cool place when i visited a couple of years ago.

  6. my friend took me to a korean restaurant and i had this awesome dish but cant remember the name. served hot, it was kind of like kimchi soup, but no kimchi and the tofu was really soft (?) and wasn't as spicy. they also placed a raw egg on top of the soup.

    anyone? shit was awesome. my friend has no idea wtf im talking about.

  7. Yo you missin the point. I'm not calling kix a bitch ass hypocrite for using black slang. I'm calling him a bitch ass hyprocrite for saying I'm an idiot for using black slang, THEN using black slang like the shit goin out of style. I mean that shit ain't right, you feel? Surprised so many ppl here are on his dick.

    i feel dawg. i feel. you aint fat... you PHAT.

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