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into the rain

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Posts posted by into the rain

  1. word man. he can be somewhat difficult to read without having prior (elementary) knowledge of lacanian psychoanalysis and marxism. this book im reading now gets a bit technical in some parts; so i would recommend that you begin with LOOKING AWRY. it's a book where he introduces his concepts/theories through Hollywood cinema - namely, hitchcock and david lynch films. as you may have noted from your reps to me in the What Are You Watching Thread, i have been watching hitchcock lately because of this guy haha.

    after looking awry, you can get into zizek somewhat easier.

    OH AND PLZ CHECK OUT HIS FILM: Pervert's Guide to Cinema. you can watch some excerpts on youtube. a documentary of sort where he analyzes all the great hollywood films: rear window, blue velvet, vertigo, birds, eyes wide shut, etc.

    in fact, watch his presentation @ google


    edit to add:

    actually this neat video is a much shorter one than the google one. it's a very brief outline of what he mainly works on.

  2. pretentious douchebag? really?

    i forgot that well dressed guys in DC are automatically "gay".

    thanks big dude, but I'm not a "gaysian". It's flattering but really.

    D.C. is the worst goddamn city in the nation full of pretentious douchebags I want to hit with a brick shaped like the american flag over and over again in the face

    coming from a SELF-PROCLAIMED well dressed guy who is calling others pretentious douchebags because not everyone wants to massage his fucking ego?

    to be fair, if i saw a guy coming towards me dressed in this get-up, i wouldnt necessarily think you were gay; but rather i would assume you were into cosplay.


    I made out with an olsen twin and my date at the AMNH winter ball in NYC several years ago, while a german duke watched us(drugs were involved)

    I am called "miss" and "ma'am" disturbingly often.

    lol. really?


    i used to think you were just fucking stupid, but now i know you're fucking delusional. you need help man.

  3. I know she likes them because she directly told me. It's 6 weeks into school, so she's not exactly a stranger.

    But I agree. I hold so much importance on music/movie taste that many times I'll get disappointed if people don't reciprocate the same kind of passion/love for them. Yeah, it could be a inefficient way to meet people, but I firmly believe that if your #1 song on itunes is Lil Wayne or Drake and your favorite director is Michael Bay, our personalities won't click anyways.

    into the rain think you might've jumped to conclusions. Pretty sure this^ explains where I'm coming from, and separates me from the herd of insecure prideful fucks. If not, then suck it degeneration X style.

    okay, fucktard: do you see the irony of making a claim against me that im jumping to conclusions about you, when you just made a previous post describing how you essentially jumped to conclusions about another girl purely based on her taste in music?

    and please dont feel the need to explain yourself to me. im just a stranger on the net, and i honestly dont give a fuck about you.

  4. 2046 is the year man becomes immortal, so as long as you make it that long...

    that sucks man. i will be fucking 56 at the earliest then. not sure if i want to live eternally as a 56 year old man.

    20-30, shit early 40s i will consider it. but i dont know. even under those optimal conditions, i am not sure if i want to live forever. maybe like two hundred years.

    what am i talking about. 2012 we are all fucked! oh lawddd save us based god!

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