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Posts posted by 35percent

  1. I've owned two pairs of 2268's and, IMO, they are a half size too big. Edit: I've ended up selling the both of them as they are really bulky boots.

    Whatever you do, DO NOT buy these 2268's that are currently available:

    Click here > These won't look better with age, no matter how you look at it!!

    Haha that's pretty funny. Might just wait to get a pair of engineers as I have plenty of boots in my rotation now, or might just get some with the crepe sole.

  2. i am looking for an outdoors/hiking/camping fixed blade knife. i am in love with the strider db in form and overall design, i just cant swing that much money. I know it isnt REALLY an EDC but could you guys help me out with finding something similar?

    Rat/esee izula, BRKT necker would be my suggestions. I can edc my izula, and do frequently.

  3. Anybody else in here have 2268s, and can possibly help me with sizing? I've talked to a few people on here and they say TTS. My I wear GTs and Iron Rangers tts (12) with an insole and they fir perfectly, 875 and 877s are 12 w/o an insole.

    I'm thinking go tts and hopefully it'll work out. Any input?

    I also picked up the Red Wing heritage catalog today. I'll try to post some pictures later today.

  4. My true waist is like 35.25. I got 34x38 (i'm 6'4") and did and initial hot soak, machine wash at 4 months because they were super dirty. They now fit perfectly and I love them. Usually wear them as my work jean, but if they don't get too dirty they get rotated in with my normal wear. I'll post some pictures later today.

  5. Agreed. First time wearing those pants and I wasn't happy with the cuff action, I had the second button undone after the pic. Im tall, so untucking it just gave me a weird proportion and made the front look really flat and fall weird.

  6. I almost feel bad saying this but... that pictures makes you and your entire life look terrifyingly fucking boring.

    Chambray, chinos, boots.

    Plain wood floors, plain wood furniture, plain white walls.

    The floors and furniture look nice, though.

    I'll admit it does look superboring, but I like clean simple looks. And the walls are eggshell for the love of god, haha.

    Yeah, but my fear is that i'll look like that guy instead

    Shit just got real.

    Yeah it's a boring fit, but I just wanted simple basics, is that so terrifying? Maybe I'll add a mister freedom jacket and a Corter reign or a USN beanie to spice it up a bit. :rolleyes:

  7. Looks pretty costumey tbh.

    Don't really get what's costumey on it but oh well.

    That doesn't look costumey at all... looks really average/ normal. The fit on the items is good, the styling is simplistic and the pieces themselves don't stand out in any way. (Not meant to sound like a bad thing in case it does)

    It is extremely simple, but I'm just going for clean basics. This was last friday, and I got the jcrew mens catalog this tuesday, and there's a fit almost exactly the same in it, I chuckled a bit.

  8. I've carried 4 blades before, so what. Unless I tell people what I'm carrying, they have no idea except for my leatherman on my belt, and that's in a leather case. I'll carry 2 lights at most, although if I had a preon or something i could easily carry 3.

    Girl knocked my S&W pen out of my pocket last night at a pen cuz she was feelin up on my leg, oh yeah, and it fell on the floor. Found it in 5 seconds thanks to my ex10.

  9. @Dchill - Surefire pretty much makes the best batteries, there's a few different US companies like panasonic and duracell that make c123, but for the price surefire can't be beat. Only options would be to go LED and have a better flashlight for the usage, or go to rechargeables, but Im not a fan of those.

  10. EDC related, Larimer County Sheriff James Alderden is outraged by the overturn of CCing, including tasers and pepper spray over 1 ounce. A very good article about how 'weapon free' zones invite criminals, and only hurts law-abiding citizens.

    “If anyone with one of my permits gets arrested for concealed carry at CSU, I will refuse to book that person into my jail. Furthermore, I will show up at court and testify on that person’s behalf, and I will do whatever I can to discourage a conviction. I will not be a party to this very poor decision.”


  11. Read about escalation/continuum of force. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflict_escalation

    Pepperspray also has it's limitations,like wind, rain, being able to get a 'hit', being able to draw it (I find it funny when girls have pepperspray berrued in their purse, and it takes them a solid 30 seconds to find their lipstick), it also takes a few seconds to work.

    I'll carry deep and know I have options to defend myself if I need to. I don't recommend carrying anything you're not comfortable with, and have the mindset that all of these things that can cause bodily harm should be used as a last resort.

    I've been at parties where a jackass pulls out $5 gas station knife thinking he's a badass. I promptly left. The majority of situations I can talk myself out of, and I dont have friends or go to places that would instigate a fight. The likely-hood of getting mugged is somewhat high as I'm often in downtown detroit at night, and being a tall white kid that looks like he has a little bit of money doesn't help me.

    This may sound corny, but you EDC is a system that has multiple uses, and your most important thing you have with you is your brain.

    Sorry for going semi-off topic, but I think the conversation of self-defense and knife use warrants being in here.

  12. Legal to possess but not transfer/ carry over the border maybe? I'm not to sure on the laws of that.

    @ Dchill - I'm only going to pull my knife or gun if I'm prepared to kill them. A drunk frat bro that wants to start shit probably doesn't warrant putting 3" of 1095 steel into his lungs, so I'l blind and bash with my light :)

    I also rarely get myself into situations like this, so it's not an everyday threat for me.

  13. blinding someone in a serious situation.....not a good defense strategy imo but in theory it sounds like a good plan.

    Taking away someone's most used and most important sense for 10-15 seconds is not a good defense strategy? Are you kidding me? My #1 priority is evasion/escape, blinding someone for 10 second allows you to escape without them knowing where you went, and gives you a good head start. If I can't evade, that temporary blindness allows me to engage the threat and make a first strike/follow up and hopefully disable the threat, or at least strike them and disorient them enough so that I can escape. If I blind someone and hit them in the face with a bezeled edge of a flashlight, do a sternum punch and knee kick, then I'm doing pretty good.

    Have a friend blind you with a 150 lumen light, and see how well you function after that. I guarantee that you'll be surprised on how effective it is.

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