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Posts posted by nate

  1. here are my 710s. havent worn them regularly since the summer. worn for 11 mo and washed often.




    lots and lots of repairs


    and my 5000bks that i'm wearing now til i get my S500JX-LRs


  2. nate you let him wash and hem your jeans right? maybe that's why it takes longer

    I actually took everyone's advice and asked Yuichi to leave them unwashed. haha :o I emailed him last night and he got back to me right away apologizing for the lag because he's behind on hemming a lot of orders. Finally got my EMS tho!

    I'm down for 1/1/11 if everybody else is. I'll be starting a couple days late if that's the case because I'm home for the holidays and didn't have them shipped here. But it's all good in the hood.

    Btw, merry xmas eve or merry xmas guys

  3. yea right, i'm not gonna cancel etc, but right now the one thing we actually can do is decide about wash.

    i mean if they r too small we can do cold soak instead of machine wash etc etc.

    Atleast inseam and waist sizes will help.

    I'm worried about that same thing but I went ahead and jumped the gun on getting them hotwashed because I figured they'd shrink over time with wash or soak anyway. I went TTS and I'm putting all my faith in it stretching if they turn out too small. Crossing my fingers big time

  4. He will contact you .... if you want them washed by him.

    Does anyone have experience with having them washed by him? Is it one of those superindustrialhothot washes? I'd like that. Does anyone know how much he charges?

    I'll email him too if anyone is wondering.

  5. UCLA heads meet up sometime? there's already 3 of us

    yeah i'm down. i'm sure a lot of us live in westwood, so it wouldnt be a hassle meeting up. kbbq or someshit?

  6. those look great. are those post wash pics? i might take the handwash route next time to keep in the creases for combs, mine didn't hold that well.

    yeah theyre post wash. i got two new small reinforcements right after.

    btw, your jeans look familiar. do you go to ucla?

  7. ^^ nice!! i like the contrast. did u wash it with any detergent??

    i put a small squeeze of dishwashing liquid (it was all i could get at the time) in a bath tub of water

    i used this


    its supposed to be phosphate and bleach free with all natural ingredients...so i guess its safe? it was only to get the stink out

  8. weird you should mention because im actually head designer for publicity staff on CAC this year. i was lucky enough to get on staff as a freshman as a designer on pub staff last year.

    but last i heard, we're trying to get Esetelle for bruin bash. i wont have any solid info until our retreat before 0 week. since i live in san francisco, im gonna have to move in before my move-in date into my friends' apartment just to attend meetings and shit. where are you living next year btw?

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