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Posts posted by pieiskewl

  1. i don't get someone complaining about how busy and stressful their life is, when they make it needlessly so, if you're imposing it on yourself don't bitch about it, you made the choice

    tldr; deal with it

  2. but this is america

    we can't cut the defense budget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    also i feel like consumerism isn't a viable industry to fuel a country

    that might just be naiveté though

  3. Uh you're only saying that because you've never had a relationship... You'd know exactly what they're talking about if you did.

    i do...

    i understand the addiction and how powerful a feeling it is

    but it still sounds like an addict talking, you can't deny that

    if you think being in love isn't addictive then i don't know if you have ever been in a relationship

  4. I know what you mean dude, I'll be better off in te long run but this December is without a doubt the most challenging and tense and stressful time of my life to date, I've worked in the past 3 days around 38 hours. I have a fever an am just all around Ill and can't reccoup because I work 6 days a week this month, I guess im just a little worn down is all. Also got a 200 buck bill from 2-3 year old speeding tickets, delaying my jeans purchasing, damn it!

    you wouldn't have to work so hard or so often if you saved some money and didn't spend it on junya all the time, no hate jus sayin


    also everyone talking about their exs sounds like they're in AA or something, talking to their sponsor about not relapsing

  5. how much my fucking jaw hurts everytime i smoke

    shit is fucking killer, my teeth are killing me

    been eating too much vicodin and tramadol

    would prefer not too, if only my fucking teeth weren't fucking killing me

    hate waking up with headaches from jaw pain

  6. accepted to pitt and hartwick college

    applied to both on a whim with free applications and no essays

    $21k scholarship at hartwick

    seriously thinking about pitt, it's a decent school and won't kill me with debt

    but i really want to leave pa...

  7. when i first read your post i thought you meant that you took so many pictures of diamond's nuts when he was sleeping

    i didn't really understand how that occurred

    maybe you skyped him to take pictures of his nuts as he fell asleep to your chat


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