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Posts posted by Kemosabe

  1. When Asian girls are in a relationship with a redhead (over here we call them 'rangas') - the pasty, freckly, pink-faced kind, usually with curls or a jewfro.

    them is called gingers

  2. in the last few weeks i've seen way too many cases of attractive women getting jobs they are obviously unqualified for...

    a new "hot" girl got hired at the shop i really tried to do well at while i was employed there. so, i was there the other day & i tried talking to her and she didnt know shit about shat. then i watched her re-arrange the baxter products for the last hour of her shift. that would never fly from one of the guys working...

    also, my next door neighbor just opened up a really nice restaurant in the neighborhood that i worked really hard to help him open. i want his business to do well & and they have some really good intentions for the neighborhood. so i went on opening night and he's got this young ass gorgeous chick bar tending and i proceeded to watch her second guess herself making every single drink. she couldnt even make a fucking cosmo. i'm 18 and i know how to make a fucking cosmo.

    it just pisses me off that in places that i've put a lot of work into and really want to see succeed, hire attractive women just because they are...attractive and are warm bodies to stand around.


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