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Posts posted by tac0tron

  1. Commbat,

    From what I remember, the moleskin boxcaps used the ETA waterproof cotton material. I'm not sure, but I think it was S/S 2005.

    Cool, because I have this boxcap that has the ETA tag inside, but I wans't sure if it was suppose to be there or not.
  2. The Filipino kids in my town think they are really hard shit just because they smoke pot. They are really too scared to do any shit, all they do is fight with the Latinos. I live in the suburbs...

  3. The shaker or toilet paper method work ok for me, I mostly use the shaker though. On occasion I'll use the toilet paper.

    Anyone hear about this parasite that goes upstream in your piss if you do it in a lake? My friends were talking about it a while back. Scary shit, they said doctors had to remove it through surgery. Discovery channel I think?

  4. so you're telling me people who do this aren't just uncomfortable about the size and or girth of their schlongs? i always made that assumption.
    No, It feels very unsanitary to piss that way for me.
  5. thats why i always go into the stall and piss in the toilet. i like the walls around me.
    Yeah, I always prefer the stalls over the urinals. I feel very uncomfortable pissing next to people without some sort of barrier.
  6. Whats the longest piss any of you have taken?

    For me, I'd say maybe about 3 minutes. Held that in for 4 hours on the way back from Arizona when I was a kid, parents did not want to stop at all since it was night time.:mad:

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