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Everything posted by mlwdp

  1. Nonnative Nonnative Phigvel Vans
  2. New chinos to replace my Dickies. Phigvel Officer pants in regular.
  3. Price drop for MIUSA Five brother size large shirt to $55 https://www.ebay.com/itm/204551836088?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ljDARqCLRCy&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=ljDARqCLRCy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. Coupon discount for leather Lamp Gloves I found while getting rid of some stuff. No expiration date (valid only at Anemoscope).
  5. Always hated the clothing but their Wesco and Rios of Mercedes collabs are on point.
  6. I miss this pair sometimes. Back when Wesco stocked Horween. Black horsehide. Iron Heart buckles. Sold this pair over two years ago.
  7. Bison leather doesn’t get any talk here. Seems like the board hasn’t embraced this leather yet due to its ruggedness. Really like this aging on these Whites.
  8. mlwdp

    Coach Jackets

    Newest Coach jacket I have by Challenger.
  9. Thinking about changing my Apple Watch strap to leather by Flangestrap out of Japan. https://flangestrap.com
  10. @Cold SummerThought about changing your buckles on your Wesco’s? All three Wesco boss models I had I changed the buckles to Furukuju because I found Wesco’s buckles to be lacking unlike Wesco Japan offering.
  11. Sandinista Challenger Masstard Phigvel Wesco
  12. I want these if/when they restock. Jodphur boots by Sunset Bay in horse Latigo At Anemoscope. Also available in calf.
  13. I’ve had both Horsehide and now CXL. Honestly, I wish had calf leather.
  14. Gotta do a lot of street walking and ride a few motorcycles for that type of wear! 😂
  15. Gleem makes engineer boots that are horsehide I believe. Made in Japan.
  16. Visvim engineer boots in size 12 https://shopcanoeclub.com/products/landers-boots-folk-black?variant=47463275790629&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=google&utm_medium=roas&https://shopcanoeclub.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=roas&utm_campaign=PMAXCuAq&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwP6sBhDAARIsAPfK_wa-38R_sCIluqs7JuY5-lZdPE5O3criX6G7SbBGlD2FzBj31XPilJAaAu2PEALw_wcB
  17. @BroarkHow about All American Boot co? They do a size 12 and mostly collab with Glad Hand. https://www.allamericanboot.com/collections/fashion/products/engineer-boot-1920s-edition
  18. It looks like Addict boots has decreased their price on their horsehide engineer boots. Seeing them sell for $700 is a steal (which is probably why they’re not in stock).
  19. Nick’s is now making an engineer boot.
  20. You got Motor as well for a good price point.
  21. Rolling Dub Trio makes a interesting boot that doesn’t stay in stock much. How about Unsung?
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