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Posts posted by gummy_b

  1. i got my sperry top sider authentics a week ago and i've worn them about three times while riding my bike. they now have cage(bike pedal) dents underneath my soles and some parts of the leather are beginning to look like suede. one of my eyelets are bent too.

    the quality of them sucks.

    my sebago docksides which i got 3 months ago are still looking pretty healthy with minor nicks.

  2. i used to ride platforms. put one foot under the pedal and pull up. its called a jamaica skid

    if you cant skid on or right above your seat u shouldnt be riding with out a brake

    do skip stops. theyre a pretty effective method of slowing down

  3. you should definitely just get a windsor the hour instead. my mercier just came in a few days ago and its awesome, but the hour definitely has way better parts. mainly just better cranks and hubs. and u can also invest the 50 dollars u didnt spend on your mercier on something else like new handlebars or brakes

    boo merciers are sold out!

    edit: anyone have experience with a kona paddy waaagon?

  4. - Oo look at me! poor little west philly boy who wines to his internet friends how he got hurt at work. the kid works full time as a dead car battery, always getting jumped.

    yeah i figure as more and more people ask me i will make up increasingly ridiculous stories. people will probably believe them too since i work in a really bad area in west philly.


    it's really not too bad

    but the cut is deep and it's a hell of a lot darker and more swollen then it looks here

  5. ...people do tricks with BMX bikes that cost well over a grand as well.

    They aren't doing it for the sake of an image. They're doing it because they have fun and love what they're doing. If you don't like it, great. They just like riding their bikes in a different way than you might. This is just a guess, but I'm probably using my $1000+ laptop for different reasons than when you use your computer...

    Nah, who am I kidding...you're desktop probably looks identical to mine...

    -im not saying people shouldnt destroy their 1000 dollar BIKES. im saying people shouldnt destroy their 1000 dollar track bikes because:

    bmx bikes made stronger the frames are wider because they are ment to be trashed.

    $100BMX is stronger than $2000TRACK

    $100TRACK is faster than $2000BMX

  6. Where is your rationalisation for this?

    there is one picture of someone in a bowl in fixed mag, and none of off road terrain?

    i just dont get how you can rag on people for enjoying to ride bikes, and having a liking for a particular type of bike ie. track bikes, fixed mag is heavily marketed? in what sense? its a free magazine available at like 4 stores... maybe i have misunderstood your post but to me it seems as though you instantly disliked it without actually knowing what it is about, or who the peopel that made it are?

    on a separate note, my bikes nearly done, wheels being built at the moment, ready tmr hopefully

    first off i am not hating on bikes and i read the magazine and there is this guy whos doing tricks on off road terrain.

    my rationalism for what i said is listed in the following

    1. there are already bmx bikes and mountain bikes for off road/tricks that fuck your shit up. the only reason people buy 1000 dollars track bikes to fuk them up is for the image.

    2. what can u do at a skatepark with a big ass track bike? =get in peoples way. all your doing is just riding around

    3. 90 percent of the magazine is an ad. why do people interview mashsf? there just a team of riders who put out a dissapointing/poorly sold video like a year ago. theyre interviewed for content/ for an image from whatever company is interviewing them.

    -but on a more serious note. why do people enjoy destroying their expensive ass njs track bikes on off road terrain and grinding their bikes?

    -tricks are cool as long as you dont purposely destroy your bike

    i love riding my fixed gear and doing but the image is just getting out of hand

  7. cocaine would definitely be my number one choice of drug to take if i did hardcore/ non-mainstream drugs.

    whats your thoughts?


    was it worth it?

    bad trips?


  8. gave myself a mild concussion the other day...


    fell... board flew thru the air spinning end over end, and hit me in the head. shit hurt a little bit...

    funny thing... this is the first time ive ever hit my head skating.

    did u take this pic after you took the bandaid off?

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