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Posts posted by mrchariybrown

  1. thanks all ^_____________^

    yeah there were a fair share of rifles on the range, but the AR was the loudest. people came over to see what the fuss was about

    although not nearly as loud as games make it seem, the most fun was the .357 magnum by far. using the single action option cocking the hammer, loading the bullets 1 by 1 rotating the swing-out cylinder

    always a revolver ocelot concept :ph34r:

    Damn, you're making me want to go shoot my friend's AR and .50 beowulf revolver. :wacko2:

  2. It seems whenever I hit up the bars, I have substantially more women eyeing me down and trying to spit game at me nowadays.

    Maybe they it's something else I'm doing? Maybe they can smell that I'm taken? Either way, I love it. And I love the fact that my girlfriend doesn't care and actually enjoys it because she knows none of those girls have a chance with me. Loyalty to the max.

    Anyways, last night some girl bought me a drink. I was taken off guard (and drunk) that I responded with "ohhh.. for me? Cool beans."

    I should respond to all situations I want to get out of with "cool beans."

    i'm suuuuch a scummy dude when i get drunk

    I think you're a beautiful man when you're intoxicated.

  3. should i get these dyed?

    would become all black or black w/ white midsoles+soles


    NO!!!!! (ALL CAPS)

    But really.. not sure.. I was thinking about doing the same to mine because they don't get any wear compared to my patent blacks.

    I say you be my little guinea pig :)

  4. I tried running Skyrim on my PC yesterday, recommended it as medium settings but I couldn't even get it to run smooth on all the lowest settings. Guess I stick with 360...

    What kind of specs?

    I ask because I have a decent laptop and I should be able to play it on high.. but it kept running slow on the lowest setting.

    So I did some research and with some graphics card, you have to open up the graphics card control panel and allow tesv.exe to use it.

    After I added skyrim to the "allow list," it runs awesome on high with 1920x1080.

  5. dragon armour looks arse and deadric is better anyway no?

    i think ebony is the only one that looks good but still too much so i just stick to nightingale w/o hood.

    form over function concept :rolleyes:

    Daedric is only better if you utilize heavy armor. I have a sneak character and dragonscale (not dragonplate) armor is the best in terms of lightweight.

  6. I've played so much Skyrim since I started that I promised myself I wouldn't play for 3 days.

    Just got to hold out til Friday.. mustttt resistttttt.

    Really hard to stay away especially since I just got 100 on smithing/enchanting/alchemy and I'm now decked out in dragonscale and got some dope weapons.

  7. oh holla lifters/liftettes. if anyone has questions about powerlifting, nutrition, or bodybuilding, I'll do my absolute best to answer them

    Wait.. is this "THE" Bryce Lewis??? 198 JR DL holding Bryce Lewis?

  8. Creating this meetup for those that want the following:

    A. More info about Toj items or get measured

    B. Meet/hang out with fellow forum members

    C. Eat good burgers

    D. Drink good beer

    E. All of the above

    Just bought a ticket to NY for that weekend. Saturday afternoon on 01/28. 5:30 PM.

    - Charly

    Korzo Haus

    178 East 7th Street (between Avenues A and B )

  9. My friend lent me Skyrim. Havent touched it yet, should I play?

    Not if you don't have plenty of free time on your hands. or want free time.. because it will consume you.

    It's almost as addicting as fallout 3/new vegas was for me.

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