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Posts posted by mrchariybrown

  1. I one shot kill named/Elder dragons with ANY weapon because of smithing/enchanting/alchemy. I also have armour that gives me nearly unlimited carry weight, stamina, health, and magicka.

    Is your one-handed/two-handed skill maxed out? Even if it is, how is that possible?

    The only way I can do that is if I have my daedric dagger (legendary) with double enchantment, I have the 15x dagger sneak perk, and the dark brotherhood 2x backstab damage.. so essentially 30x damage. And I'd have to sneak up on the dragon.

  2. been playing skyrim and I realize I put the wrong perks in. Should have done smithing/enchant/alch isntead =[. Dark Brotherhood gloves are so good though lol 30x backstab damage.

    time to remake I guess

    Everyone should be dumping into those three. I had to do the same thing - restarted my character. But luckily I was only ~15 hours deep when I did so.

  3. I had my head shaved, then last two weeks i decided i want a topknot,

    Been growing my hair out last 2 months, and at the bag i can get a clump of it in my hand now, but no ponytail,

    Should i give up?

    I'm 17 so I'm not running out of hair, but clearly mine grows too slow...

    Shame wanted that topknot style

    2 months and no ponytail?!?!?

  4. damn chariy!!!

    i love christmas, here is some christmas cheer

    That blew my mind.

    I'm always the happiest dude in the room, ask anyone :)

    It's very rare I get mad. I guess it's because of that, it ends up me snapping into an uncontrollable violent whirlwind.

    it's never happened to me. my wife got held up with two to her head but it was in plain sight where the gun detectors could sense it. goddamnit i was pissed. i'd be in prison right now with zero rights ever again if i we'd spotted them.

    I can't imagine that shit happening to a significant other. That's like anger from a gun point at you times 210390599521.

    we should be bros

    Are we not already internet-bros, bro?

    It happend @ my parents house in Sacramento no one was hurt except for me being pistol whipped. Like what chariy said it angered me when he pulled the pistol and even more so when he pistol whipped me so right after he pistol whipped me I grabbed the gun and started wrestling making sure the gun was pointed away at all times while he was emptying the clip. It was an extended handgun clip it had 30 rounds and he shot all of em not sure what kinda gun it was I didn't really get a good look at it.

    I'm really not a violent person i rarely get angry and when things start to escalate I'd try to calm people down or break it up. The bitch is in jail now and his friend got away.

    Serves his ass right. Good work on disarming the dude.

  5. I didnt know anyone knew of me, but yeah its me. cool, sufu people know me, lol!

    Haha I highly doubt anyone else here does. But I certainly do. Trying to catch up to you man.

    Are you still competing?

  6. possibly (BIG time possibly) picking up a position as a production Co-ordinator for a new up-and-coming label. anyone have any thoughts, experience, wisdom, or advice to share?

    A good place to gain experience in a bit more laid back environment as most start-ups and smaller/newer labels/companies are. Even better if you fit in with the culture of the label and support the ideas/products put forth by them.

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