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Posts posted by mrchariybrown

  1. what the big bros said. the path to strength lies in deadlifts and squats~

    if you insist on doing bicep curls they should be the last thing you do in your workout, after core work.


    I gauge my squat and deadlift days' success by if I do biceps at the end. If I have energy left to do curls then I didn't do hard enough.

    I probably do about 2-4 sets of curls in a month.

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (all caps)

    The girl (and her friend) that kicked to the curb for being too immature is still in love with me

    And her friend that I find to be, by far, the most annoying person I've ever met (no exaggeration) is talking shit on fb of all places

    I can't see all the other shit they're posting because the girl was a little kid about it and defriended me after I said we should stop seeing each other but her profile pictures and comments for the profile pictures are still viewable

    I'm going to go show my girlfriend so she can have a laugh

  3. I'm extremely saddened by this news. I really enjoyed reading/listening to his work. And I loved his ability to piss off everyone at least one point in time. R.I.P.

    And I second someone making an epic coffin kickflipping thing of him.

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