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Posts posted by bryanayrb

  1. there's nothing wrong. at the end of the day it's one HR person behind a desk filtering through a bunch of resumes. of those resumes there are underqualified people, overqualified people, people just right for the job. sometimes these people will get an interview, sometimes they won't. each one has their own techniques to filter through and decide which resumes aren't even worth reading.. etc.

    i can tell you if i was in HR i wouldn't be reading each resume thoroughly and jotting down notes as to how qualified each person is. as soon as someone sends me an e-mail recommending someone then chances are they're gonna get the interview first cause

    1. less work for me

    2. if that person is absolutely useless then i can just blame the recommendation. if he's competent then boom, you're hired and you already know somebody so integration into company culture is already in progress.

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