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y noT?

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Posts posted by y noT?

  1. You might want to rethink that.

    your steezy makes the girls go sleepy

    rethink what?

    I'm wearing a black/gray shirt which i got for $10 at the union sale last year and some non-hyped blazers. You think I care for brands/hype?

    My friends, on the other hand, yes they are hypebeasts.

    Good Night folks.

  2. i really don't know what transpired between you and the buyer, but if you said 200 plus shipping, shit should just be 200 plus shipping. if shipping comes to 10bucks then ethically you are wrong. if you wanted 215 shipped you should have just stuck with that. you kind of imply that you are willing to compromise and deal if you weren't firm about shit.

    OK, last one before I go.

    No, because when I said that he didn't respond until 2 weeks later.

    2 weeks have passed, too many people were interested.

    I decided I won't let it go for just 200+shipping.

  3. actually, i was talking shit about your fit, noticed the title of the thread..but i wanted to call you a bitch for that bitch move. WHy the fuck are you explaining yourself anyways?? no one cares. You think making 50 bucks on selling vans is suppose to impress me :eek: ...well it doesn't, i'm surprised with all that moneyzzz you can't even get some decent clothes. Get the fuck off sufu

    Well, you brought it up and like I said, I'm not trynna impress anybody here.

    Because I don't care for brands like you? Sorry, SUPREMED OUT.

    I'd rather save up my money to buy my own house?

    And yes, you're right I don't need to explain myself.


  4. biz is biz, but the rules for sellers in the market is specifically stated. you gotta set the price in the beginning. raising the price after it is set is bad ettiquette.

    The thing is, I did have a set price on my thread which was 215 shipped.

    2 weeks prior, he hit me up "what's the best price I could give?", then I said probably 200+shipping.

    2 weeks later, He hit me up saying 210 shipped but I didn't wanna give in, then he tripped out and now this.

  5. kid sit the fuck back down, or i mean go back to iss and you'll get more respek there, well atleast not from me. You don't care about rep but you remember Darkious by his big red e-peen :rolleyes: ...is his red e-peen salty in your mouth? You asked for it by posting your fit in here, acting like you don't give a fuck about peoples opinion on your fits. Bitch, your steelo is as bland as tofu and thats not even a good thing.

    On the five dollar thing, you think really think i give a flying fuck about 5 bucks. Bitch I got cashflow!!! Its the way you do business that I don't like. You gave me a price then raised it later, then putting me as highest offer when said ill buy it for the price you gave me. Get a fucking job while you're at it, making 20 bucks a pop selling vans aint getting your pinoy ass anywhere

    Cry, Cry, Cry. Damn, I didn't know the internet can affect people like seriously.

    Come on now, who wouldnt see his long red rep thing? It's so obvious.

    The price I gave you 2 weeks before? I can't help it that people like you FEEN for supreme crap so much, so i raised the price.

    Business, my man. Demand was high as fuck!

    I do have a job and make that $50 a pop selling vans.

  6. if it was up to women, we'd all be wearing rock&republics and kenneth coles. their opinions are usually worthless.

    this "bunch of guys on the internet" comprises the ultimate culmination of fashion knowledge anywhere on the planet. their opinions mean everything, sherlock.

    Of course, if you're trying to get in the pants of those "bunch of guys in the internet".

    Do you.

  7. Truth in what countach says.

    Ynot, you say that you are not dressing like rhythmandsounds/papoose... no-one accused you of that. They merely said you were going after the look that they wear, which it does look like you are trying to achieve. However, much like icandunkonu, you are just trying to be 'original' and branch off from all your probably equally shitty filipino hypebeast friends. You say this is your style? I doubt it, your style is shitty jeans and bright/ironic oversized shirts, with sneakers with the tongue popped. But you're even worse than icandunkonu because he at least probably kept aspects of his former self, whereas you look like you're trying way too hard to achieve a certain look.

    Again, this is only what I perceive, and probably others too, maybe not what's actually true, but fashion is about perception anyways...

    1. That didnt make sense at all.

    2. From what i can remember, my closet has been filled with solid, earth-toned color clothings since forever. I've never been the flashy type.

    3. Since I'm filipino I'm born to dress like them? WTF? shit's a race issue now?

    4. Whatever though, keep on hating. If y'all were a bunch of girls hating on the way I dress, I'd be affected and might consider changing the way I dress. But a bunch of guys on the internet? Never that.

    Fashion is about dressing to impress the OPPOSITE sex, at least for me.

    For you guys, probably not.

  8. You know who darkadious is and he doesn't post to often anymore, but you don't know who rhythmn and sound is? and don't act like you don't be in the supreme threads, you know you seen that nigga post and seen his waywt.

    suspekt this nigs faking the funk

    Who wouldnt see/remember the guy with long ass red rep thing? :rolleyes:

    That's why I remember him.

    And no, i don't know rythm&sound.

  9. Youre not a man. Youre a filipino kid thats on the same level of fashion as icandunkonu and for some reason you'd rather ignore a portion of this boards population who know what theyre talking about and use people who obviously are just as clueless about style as you are as youre reason for continuing what your doing.

    congratulations. go back to hypebeast, over there you'd be a king.

    Well, this is a fashion forum, right? All styles, "levels of fashion", or whatever should be welcome.

    A kid? lol. You don't even know me.

    And why are you so affected by my posts, anyway?

    P.S. I don't go on hypebeast.

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