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Posts posted by tyang

  1. that sounds like a bad tailor. i mean generally tailors only do a bad job when the customers don't know what they want and inadequately explain their desires. but removing a vent or completely altering the pattern is a no-no. get a new tailor. sorry to hear about your suit man..

  2. any of ya'll fuck with little brother? not exactly new but anyone who hasn't listened to them should really check out The Listening and The Minstrel Show. Ignore the getback and leftback, those two albums are garbage without 9th and decent beat selection.

  3. if walt isn't in the next few episodes, i'm going to break something. he is by the most enigmatic character on the show. flocke never impersonated him so he was definitely the one appearing to the survivors on the island.

    the biggest problem with this season is the handling of the flash sideways. i know it's supposed to be vague but the flash-sideways doesn't serve any apparent purpose. why does it matter that the parallel timeline match back up with the current one. the current one seems to be doing fine without it. without any kind of hint there's no suspense building up to the convergence of these two timelines.


  4. Got an internship at a local recording studio and got accepted into Drexel's Summer Music Industry program. After that's through I'm going to do an early application to Drexel for their Music Industry major. Only 1/10 gets in, but hopefully with real-world studio experience and their own name already behind me at (I will be) 18 I'll make it in. Then the summer co-ops will help me find connections in the industry and get my name out there. At best, I'll get signed for production after that and work on an album or something, but with the degree I'm hoping to get I could be a studio engineer, producer, mastering engineer, product specialist with one of the big companies making gear (UAD, Waves, Ableton) or a prof or something.

    I've decided to just go for it and not question myself because I don't really see anything positive coming out of that. I'm sure there will be some jobs I have in the feild that I don't like, but eventually things will click for me.

    As for all of the other aspects of life, I'm scared out of my head. I think I'm going to end up compulsively working so I don't have to think about it.

    i'm working towards a similar industry (film) and i can promise you it isn't that easy. you mentioned a summer program, so i'm assuming you're still in high school. My roommate was a music industry major at USC and the reality of that industry is even worse than mine. Your degree won't do anything for you. If you're lucky, you'll be hired as some kind of assistant and they'll treat you like shit for 2-3 years and grill you. They'll make ridiculously complex sandwich orders to test your attention to detail among other ridiculous shit. Unless you're a super talented dude with connections no one is going to sign you to work on an album out of college. There are not very many people that will go out of their way to "put your name out there".

    As for my life, I am just interning the fuck out of LA and trying to get hired as an assistant to a producer or as a reader at a studio by the time i get out. What dude said earlier about menial work is x2 in the film/music industry. A lot of times they wont' even pay you because they know you'll work to the bone just for that spot. If you can't take it there are 100 dudes waiting in line behind you. I'd do more research more into this before you invest your money, hopes, and emotions into this. It's rough. If you decide to go through, do know that you need to go above and beyond what you're degree requires.

  5. what the fuck's up with this season? besides the desmond flash sideways bit there's nothing interesting and there's no suspense anymore. they never really explained why sayid's a zombie and now the koreans die. the season finale better be amazing.

  6. i dunno. i think his finesse, superb inside passing, and consistent performances make up for his lack of physical aggressiveness. That's Bynum's job and he's lacking in that department. His bum knee(s) don't help either.

  7. man. KG used to be cool. then he went to the celtics. smh


    regardless, i want the cavs to lose this series to the celtics. i am not ashamed of my baseless hate for lebron. how you gonna complain about a funny bone with kobe playing with a fucked up knee, ankle, and finger.


  8. i thought attention deficit was disappointing. the songs were all for the most part really forgettable. it wasn't bad but it also wasn't great..

    XV is not bad. His flow is solid but the shit he raps about are dorky on a whole nother level. Check out his Everybody is Nobody mixtape if you're interested


  9. ^ i dont' know where he's from but he's been getting a lot of love from the blogisfear. also i'm hesitant to consider him hip-hop. either way i really enjoyed this charming mixtape (humdrum being an obvious favorite)

    Do you even know who Diddy is?

    Your favorite rappers favorite rapper probably bought a house with some shit he ghost wrote for Diddy.

    In theory it sounds like a good idea to hate on puff, and lets be honest he makes it easy, but the dude is ubiquitous. (also remember he shouted him out in Exhibit C)

    you're right


  10. pau saved the day!

    i respect the thunder so much now. their fans are amazing. they will be a force to be reckoned with.

    i respect the thunder but not their fans. they were just sitting and watching quietly. so glad this series is over though. it was frustrating to watch

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