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Everything posted by heyson

  1. Not a question at all, more of a vent. But I wish I didn’t blow out the knees in all my pants. I must have really pointy knees or something
  2. yeah I saw his gallery posted last June on their ig ☹️
  3. I was sad to see that Andy passed. RIP
  4. I can’t even find their shop
  5. Thank you @Jared_Lee damnit I really don’t need more pants lol
  6. I’m kind of itching for more Roy. Where can you purchase the Tildens? I’m not seeing a store. The fit looks nice on Roy
  7. @beautiful_FrEaK and @Maynard Friedman thank you for your input. I’ve always wanted evisu, but honestly I have way too many jeans. Still very tempted. Also, I also wanted the tiger selvedge. Here’s a few more pics. Idk if this is helpful
  8. this is the pair in question
  9. Do y’all know if there are a lot of fakes floating around? I found a pair on eBay but idk how to verify. They look okay to me. I’ll add some pics here soon
  10. Molleton 130 Worn on and off for a couple years now. Really love them, and trying to make them my everyday pair or at least in heavy rotation more recently. Such great fabric ❤️
  11. @seethruskinwould you please provide measurements for both? Thank you
  12. https://www.ebay.com/itm/196195729613?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=d9XtvQTRTmW&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=d9XtvQTRTmW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY throwing these Tender 129s in here. wish they fit me
  13. Thank you. Maybe I should just plan a trip to Japan and wait to buy any jeans until then.
  14. Where is a good place to purchase Evisu?
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