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Posts posted by Spastic_Koala

  1. China has been enjoying their high speed rail projects. I hear they've been really expensive, though. Can the SuFu members that have been working on the construction and laying of rail attest to whether the high costs have been contributing to higher pay for them? Or are the expenditures going elsewhere?

  2. I'll try to get back and fix some of the broken photobucket ones. Not sure why they suddenly got the violated terms of use thing. I just need to figure out which ones they are. I'm already losing track of what I've uploaded and I've just barely started.

  3. Dude at work thinks I'm going to steal his "office wife".

    1. Not interested.

    2. Dude needs more confidence. Just cause I said hi to the two of you while passing you guys in the hall doesn't mean you need to aggressively position yourself between me and her and glare at me like some feral animal. (Not the only time this has happened.) Sucks for you that everyone knows your completely in love with her, but you're stuck in the "friendship" zone.

    3. Now I kinda wanna kill your friendship with her just to piss you off.

  4. I hate the dude the constantly clogs the toilet in my office floor's bathroom. Fuck you and your unnatural shit amounts and inappropriate use of toilet paper.

    I also hate the first guy that pisses on the floor under the urinal. It makes the next guy have to stand further back (so as to not stand in your piss), making him more likely to piss on the floor. Which then means the next guy has to stand even further back. Leading to a vicious cycle resulting in a piss lake.

    Probably same dude.

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