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Posts posted by mojinho

  1. i KNOW. i tried to talk shit about it earlier in the thread (if SuFu wasn't in and out every 2 seconds i'd go back and find it) and no one agreed. apparently some people really enjoy it. maybe it's one of those fabled "acquired tastes."

  2. Yeah, sing with me, sing for the year

    sing for the laughter, sing for the tear

    sing with me, if it's just for today

    Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away

    Dream On Dream On Dream On

    Dream until your dreams come true

    Dream On Dream On Dream On

    Dream until your dream comes through

    Dream On Dream On Dream On

    Dream On Dream On

    Dream On Dream On

  3. I was called a hipster by some of my friends. I was speechless and started to protest until i realized they meant it as a compliment, then i was speechless again.

    I realized that the general public probably cannot distinguish between a Urban Outfitters, 555 hoodie,ironic tiger tee shirt wearing hipster from some guy wearing N(N), Undercover, RO from some guy wearing supreme, Dunks, Diors.

    ha ha sounds like the reaction of in-the-closet gay guys when they're outed by friends

  4. the big, liter bottles are like R$8 = US$5. but that's in Rio, which is expensive. if you went somewhere else outside big cities it would be cheaper.

    a single-serving draft at a bar in Rio = R$3 = US$1.75 (small by US standards)

    half-liter can on the street from a vendor = R$3 = US$1.75

  5. At McLean School, Playing Tag Turns Into Hot Potato

    Tuesday, April 15, 2008; A01

    A playground pastime is getting a timeout this spring at a McLean elementary school.

    Robyn Hooker, principal of Kent Gardens Elementary School, has told students they may no longer play tag during recess after determining that the game of chasing, dodging and yelling "You're it!" had gotten out of hand. Hooker explained to parents in a letter this month that tag had become a game "of intense aggression."

    The principal said that her goal is to keep students safe and that she hopes to restore tag (as well as touch football, also now on hold) after teachers and administrators review recess policies.


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