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Posts posted by mojinho

  1. it depends actually. some food critics like to use their occupation as a trump card, cause they end up getting a whole spread of food items plus the entire meal free when they do.

    yeah i guess if you're not reviewing the restaurant, then that's OK, but from what i've read, when the restaurant give a special spread for the critic, it's not what the rest of the dining room is eating, so the review they'd publish wouldn't be for the food the other diners would wind up eating.

    has anyone else read Ruth Reichl's book "Garlic and Sapphires" about her time as the New York Times food critic? it's not the best writing but it's pretty entertaining, she had to get creative about who she ate with and went as far as to wear wigs and get credit cards in fake names to avoid being recognized!

  2. yeah the idea of making something that contains ONLY chicken skin is mind-blowing. i would also love to try that.

    thanks for all the fantastic pics!

    i tried my hand yesterday at "kibe de forno" (oven-baked kibbeh pie). turned out pretty fucking good. basically ground beef which i seasoned with salt, pepper, nutmeg, onion, garlic, cilantro and mint, all mixed together with a good amount of bulger, spread in a baking dish and baked for about 45 minutes. a great one-dish meal. this is clearly a middle-eastern dish but immigrants brought it to Brazil and it's quite common here.


  3. goddamnit i just portrayed myself like a womanizer, but i swear to god that i'm not.

    in fact, it's because i wanted to spare her MORE heartbreak that i broke up with the second girl.

    :confused: :confused: :confused:

    i don't think you have to apologize for being honest to someone about how you feel about them. fuck her emo-ness, you deserve the hottest chick you want, when you want.

  4. chez panisse's entire dessert menu from yesterday:


    I<3Bacon you win again.

    Anyone in here apart from me that gets an erection from eating Baba Ghanoush? One of the best things I know.

    meh. although i definitely like it better than hummus' date=' which has got to be one of the most overrated things i've ever had (at least the commercial versions that are available in the US).

    some market purchases today:


  5. the rice was disgusting. you know how koreans are though....we gotta eat at least a bit of rice + kimchi with every meal. meat though was great...really tender

    why not eat delicious korean rice then? why settle for disgusting rice?! i don't get it!

    shared among friends

    marshmallow fudgy brownie

    carrot cake


    cheddar apple pie

    interesting . . . looks like Benelux apple pie to me!


  6. couple a years ago went out for a friends birthday , there were about 10 in the group at a japanese restaurant,, good night was had,, everyone filed out paying for what they ate, i said to my friend hey ill pay for you for your b'day and any unclaimed items,, cost me $200 thanks to his dodgy mates that drank more than they said they did....wankers

    yeah i mean with someone's birrthday i guess it's another story, that's sitll big of you though.

    i was bitchign about a regular fucking night!

  7. NO in my case she ATE and then when it came tiem for the bill, she didn't give as much as the other people. andn then, when i made a point of it, the OTHER POEPLE put in more money, which i promptly gave backc to them (why should THEY have to make up for her lame-ness?). FUCK i'm only out liike US$10 but it still pisses me off

  8. does anyone else HATE IT when someone snitches out on the bill? like, if 4 poeple sit down and one person (say, yours truly) says something like, "WHO WANTS PIZZA?!" and all 4 people say yes, is it so unreasonable to expect everyrone to pay for their part? i mean, come the fuck on. let's be adults. pay for what you eat. or, don't eat.

  9. Not inviting us: failure.

    On an unrelated note, I kind of creamed my pants when Samuel L. Jackson showed up during Iron Man. Like...twice.

    that movie is not out yet here but i cream myself whenever Sam L. Jack shows up. i mean, come on. motherfucker is fucking cool as all get-out.

  10. ME AGAIN.

    Bellini -> Lemon Drop -> Sex with a Bartender -> Appletini

    The show was great and I'm drunk as a skunk.


    did you ACTUALLY have sex with a barrtender or did you have a drink with that name? HUH HUH HUH?!

    PS i had NEITHER

  11. I HAD PIZZA TONIGHT! it was fucking great. it was portuguesa, with ham, sausage, hard-boiled egg, onion and cheese on top. DE-FUCKING-LICOIUS!


  12. 1


    sorry dude but that rice looks disgusting, as does the meat. looks like the kind of meat you chew forever and never disintegrates. green beans look lovely, though.

    I love jap curry, but eating in those joint ruins my smell. You have to go in wearing clothes you won't wear for the next few days.

    anyone ever eat at Moody's in Edgewater on Broadway in Chicago? inside, in the wintertime, when the patio's closed? those burgers are absolutely fantastic, but man, good luck getting the smell out of your sweater and hair after eating inside.

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