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Posts posted by Larry!

  1. I called my local Coop, they said Nov. 5th. Is that just the line they give everyone who calls in and they start it earlier for people who actually know, or is it different from flagship to coop?

  2. This makes me sound like such a bitch but...

    My girlfriend wants to get a lip piercing,and I'm seriously freaking out because I can't stand them. It's just one major major major turnoff for me. And I've told her that I find them to be the most unattractive thing in the world, but I told her to do what she wants. And now I'm seriously afraid that she will.

    But yeah, superconfess because I can't find anyone else to talk to.

    But this whole freakout is probably just all the stress from the past + present week coming out at once.

  3. Fucking girl in class sits next to me in the back row of a 100 person class. When the professor is teaching she keeps talking as if she's in a conversation with the professor and doing all the fucking math out loud. Then she goes on facebook and types really fucking loudly for the rest of class.

    I hate people who type the entire class...on AIM.

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