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Posts posted by Larry!

  1. So i got my housing assignment last summer,and found out I was stuck with this straight up guido kid from Jersey. First day I get here we meet, he seems chill, I'm okay with him. It just goes downhill from there. First of all, he has a huge tub of hair gel that manages to get all over the sink area. He also sprays his toothpaste foam I guess when he brushes his teeth, cause that shit be all over the place.

    Also, he buys shit exclusively from Armani Exchange and Express. In fact, he has his Armani Exchange bags on display, I guess he's proud to shop diffusion. He also wears matching track suits and headbands to the gym. Ever seen My New Haircut? That's actually him.

    Story! He comes back one night from a club and he's talking to his friend on the phone. This is a paraphrased transcript:

    "Yeah, they fucking kicked my friends out of the club cause they had fakes! What the fuck! If we were back in Jersey, they wouldn't have fuckin messed with me. They would've fuckin known who I am, they wouldn't have touched my fuckin boys. They're my bros, I had to get my revenge for them. Yeah, I got my fucking revenge. You know what I fuckin did? Yeah, I fuckin stole like 5 shot glasses. Yeah, and I got a fuckin wine glass too. Yeah, I got those fuckers back! Fuck yeah!"

    I'm completely serious.

    He's also taken to being too lazy tolift the seat up when pees. I've confronted him about this. He hasn't changed. I've been cleaning it up with his toothbrush.

    He's also a seriously racist motherfucker. He was walking with a friend of mine, who is Egyptian, and when they passed a guy from the Middle East, he mutters "Fuckin towelheads". Also, night before inauguration (we live in DC), "No, I'm not going to go see that fuckin nigger get inaugurated". <- That's my main issue with him.

    There's more, but I think that will suffice when I say that I hate my roommate. At least I tend to not be here unless I'm sleeping, so i rarely meetup with him.

  2. I joined one too. Didn't really get hazed though, worse thing I did was having to go to 7-11 (half a block away from my dorm) and deliver food to the brothers (1.5 blocks away) for them one night.

    But other than that, yeah, it's true, you have bros who just want to party all day and don't really care about the ideals and stuff, and you have bros who genuinely care about brotherhood.

    Idk, I joined a smaller one, so it was less stereotypically "fratty" than most, a guy from the national org. came to our chapter one semester and literally told us to "stop being so anti-frat".

    Anyways, like I said, I didn't really get hazed, but our house is owned by another frat. They got kicked off of campus because they lilked to play a game called "Donkey Kong". Our stairways are reinforced on the landings becuase brothers used to throw kegs down the stairs and make pledges run up the stairs while jumping over the kegs.

    But that wasn't why they got kicked out, it was cause they started wailing on pledges one day with baseball bats and one got sent to the hospital.

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